


History, it’s always history. History class keeps me hopeful for the future. One day kids will just learn about things we can’t even comprehend yet.

終章 - The final chapter 

辿る - たどる to follow (road), to pursue (course), to follow up 

めく - to show signs of 

テーゼ - thesis; statement 

啓蒙主義 - けいもうしゅぎ; illuminism, enlightenment 

連携 - れんけい cooperation; coordination; link 

文明 - civilisation; Bunmei era 

万能 - ばんのう all-purpose, almighty, omnipotent 

打撃 - だげき 1. blow, shock, strike, damage, 2. batting (baseball) 

終焉 - しゅうえん demise 

かげり - shadow or cloud over one’s happiness 

思潮 - しちょう;trend of thought 

皇国 - The Japanese empire 

史観 - historical view 

抵触 - ていしょく conflict (with the law) 

丹念 - たんねん diligence, application 

実証主義 - じっしょうしゅぎ positivism 

排外主義 - はいがいしゅぎ; anti-foreign 

対外 - たいがい external/foreign 

侵略 - しんりゃく aggression; invasion; raid 

依拠 - いきょ dependence 

様相 - ようそう aspect 

化身 - けしん incarnation; impersonation; personification; avatar 

為政者 - いせいしゃ statesman 

蔓延る - はびこる to spread; to run rampant; to grow thick; to become powerful 

権化 - ごんげ incarnation; avatar 

疑念 - ぎねん;doubt 

脱構築 - だつこうちく deconstruction (Jacques Derrida) 

助長 - じょちょう;promotion 

蠢く - うごめく; to wriggle; to squirm; to crawl like a worm 

ユダヤ - Judea 

従軍慰安婦 - じゅうぐんいあんふ;comfort women 

先述 - せんじゅつ The aforementioned / above-mentioned 

実証 - じっしょう actual proof; demonstration 

担保 - たんぽ security; collateral (mortgage) 

君臨 - くんりん;reigning, controlling, to reign, to dictate, to control 

趣向 - しゅこう a device; a plan, an idea 

新機軸 - しんきじく;innovation; new departure; milestone; breakthrough 

隠蔽 - いんぺい concealment; suppression; hiding 

白日 - bright sunshine; broad daylight 

嶋 - island [alternate]; territory of an organised crime gang

力作 - りきさく; literary or artistic masterpiece (on which much labour was spent) (labor) 

自虐 - masochism 

侵撃 - しんげき; invading and attacking 

真摯 - しんし;Sincere/Earnest 

紛争 - ふんそう dispute, trouble, strife
