



Honestly everyone in Hogwarts must be hella fit. They have to go up and down 20 flights of stairs to get to anywhere in their school.

Okay but hear me out. The house are different types of fit.

  • The Gryffindor would be more of the strength kind of fit. You know they lift wait just for fun. They’re the P90X people of Hogwarts.
  • Now the Hufflepuff’s are the more acrobatic or endurance kind of fit. They will walk up and done those stars in their free time so if something happens they will be ready whether its one of their friends is sick and they are going to take care of them or whatever else. The Hufflepuff’s are the people in the workout videos in the 80’s-90’s.
  • The ravenclaw’s are the Flexibly fit people. They do yoga poises in the library, and they usually try to sreatch and stay limber as best they can. They’re the people that hang out at a park and do yoga every Sunday.
  • Now of the Slytherin’s they’re the Balance kind of fit. They usually do ballet in their off time form Hogwarts. They make the room of requirements into a a ballet studio and anyone can join its usually a 7th year teaching them and every year they put on a rendition of the nutcrackers in the winter and swanlake in the spring. They are the ones on x games mode.


Madrigal women in suits (thus far)


me after watching the acnh direct


SPOILERS: Campaign 2, Episode 140

Like seriously, if you aren’t caught up, scroll away.

Top Left: Jester dies

Top Right: Caleb dies

Middle: Beau rolls two natural 20s on her attack against Lucien

Bottom Left: Raise Dead fails to bring Molly back.

Bottom Right: Caduceus pulls a Divine Intervention… and succeeds to speak to the Wildmother. Matt rolls a success on her magic to grant his plea. Molly is back.
