

What IS Kurocchi planning?!

Baka Proof talks some more Japanese grammar!

The present tense, short form of a verb can be followed by つもりだ indicating that is is intended to be done.

As a refresher, the present tense short form of a verb is ~て form.

You can see my lesson on ~て here

Let’s try some examples!

六時に晩ご飯を食べてつもりだ。 I intend to eat dinner at six

毎日に一時間が漢字を勉強してつもりだ。Every day I intend to study kanji for one hour.

To make a sentence I don’t intend to do, you use the negative, short tense followed by つもりだ

Let’s try a few more…

六時に晩ご飯を食べないつもりだ。I don’t intend to eat dinner at Six.

大人の時、タバコを吸わなくてつもりだ。I don’t intend to smoke when I’m an adult.

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