#the squad

todoyamas:this is olddd but wow i’m so glad that everyone in this squad is happy alive and well ☄


this is olddd but wow i’m so glad that everyone in this squad is happy alive and well ☄

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pigte:I’m torn between them being the Team Rocket to Voltron’s Ash, or actual people they gotta worr


I’m torn between them being the Team Rocket to Voltron’s Ash, or actual people they gotta worry about…… probs both tbh. 
Also! Has anyone else noticed that their uniforms are basically the same colors as Croagunk??? Cuz I have. 

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gaybravado: Collab done immediately post-marathoning season 3 with my friend @solosii / @sol0sii​ on


Collab done immediately post-marathoning season 3 with my friend @solosii/@sol0sii​on twitter, fueled by lack of sleep and our devotion to Lotor’s squad. They sketched, I painted.

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ikimaru:au where everything is the same but Lotor and his squad wear gucci(Red is to blame for tHI


au where everything is the same but Lotor and his squad wear gucci

(Red is to blame for tHIS)

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100+ followers!

Wow never thought this blog would get so many followers!

So! I thought I might, as a way to show gratitude and continue the love for Lotor and his generals, open up requests! If there is any prompt involving a ship between Lotor and one of his generals I’m open to draw or write it!

olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol olxvine: Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol


Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)

+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol

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the squad
91939art: Happy Galentine’s day, girls!Hope everybody’s ready for St Valentine’s day Patreon


Happy Galentine’s day, girls!
Hope everybody’s ready for St Valentine’s day


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sunset-spring: A dump of some sketches I’ve done based around a self indulgent little idea I had.  Osunset-spring: A dump of some sketches I’ve done based around a self indulgent little idea I had.  Osunset-spring: A dump of some sketches I’ve done based around a self indulgent little idea I had.  O


A dump of some sketches I’ve done based around a self indulgent little idea I had. 

One of the previous incarnations of Voltron (it could’ve been in the original 84 version, but I don’t know as much about the past versions as I do the current show) I believe had introduced the concept of cadet squads for the team. I liked this idea even when season 1 of Voltron: Legendary Defender came out and was first learning about the original and older reboots from my older brother (who did grow up watching the 84 version). After seeing season 3, though, the idea has even more merit with how the team was struggling and juggling finding new paladins. 

Something that I think would be cool is if - after the war against the Galra Empire is over  - the team starts up cadet squads to train future pilots of Voltron, and possibly just have a backup team or two in the wings just in case of emergency. Perhaps something akin to how Power Rangers S.P.D. handled the concept of training future rangers with a B-Squad, C-Squad and etc. So I thought of a few characters who might be possible candidates for it and ended up drawing these. 

Prince Lotor and his generals I decided on for two reasons: one being they pretty much have the perfect dynamic and team already built for something like Voltron (whether we get to see an evil version of Voltron in the show is up for debate but I think it’d be cool) and second being that, for personal theory reasons I may make a post about at a later point, I think there’s a possibility for Lotor and his generals to turn good and join Voltron.

Nyma was based on her previous encounter with Lance, Shay is pretty obvious, and Klaizap is because of his interactions with Keith, and how Keith himself was quick to point out how he was Arus’s strongest warrior.

Like my art? Be sure to check out my Redbubble store!

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Mass Effect characters in Hollow Knight style.

It was fun drawing them like this, I struggled with some but I am happy with how they came out.

The WHAT?!    Ayeeee!!!! So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨The initThe WHAT?!    Ayeeee!!!! So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨The initThe WHAT?!    Ayeeee!!!! So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨The initThe WHAT?!    Ayeeee!!!! So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨The initThe WHAT?!    Ayeeee!!!! So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨The init

The WHAT?!   

So here’s a dumb D&D inspired comic strip with the gang ✨
The initial idea is based loosely on a meme a friend shared with me ages ago  The rest of the conversation/situation is very much inspired by my own experiences with friends
Have you ever played D&D?
Or other forms of a pen and paper rpg?
If yes, what is the dumbest thing that has ever happened to you?
I’m curious ✨

For those not familiar with D&D, the “zone of truth” is a spell that hinders anyone within 15 feet from deliberately telling lies.
You can resist it by rolling a saving throw, but it will be clear that you tried to resist and whether you succeeded or failed XDDD

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i cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have gossipy bitchy littl pirvate group chats or discord servers with like 4 people in them whose stated purpose is posting “new kind of guy” or “this reddit post is so fuckin dumb” or “i got into a fight on twitter today look at this idiot’s reply” so your homies can still see it and laugh and back you up but more importantly, so you are not tempted to post these kinds of things on main

mirko: ready to go, fellas?

hawks, mic, and fatgum:

mirko: ready to go, ladies?

hawks, mic, and fatgum: yes!! :D

Big OC piece sketch is finally done!

(Pic ID: from left to right: FireUnit4 (Egg’s OC) Three, Epsilon(Skits’ oc), Eso(my oc), AN-COU(my oc), Iota (skits), Upsilon(skits), Gamma and Alpha(skits), Stabby the knife wielding roomba (Flynne). FireUnit4 is running, three is standing with its back turned, Epsilon is talking to Eso who is wearing a white lab coat and distracted by Stabby’s existence, thinking “why does that cleaning bot have a knife?”, AN-COU is staring at the ceiling, no thoughts just vibes. Iota and Upsilon are sitting on the floor watching Stabby, Gamma is pointing at alpha and Alpha is goofing off)

In any timeline wherein Tim meets The Squad, two things happened in that first meeting.

  1. Riley scared the ever-loving crap out of him. Not through doing scary things necessarily, but by using Jason as a insta-ladder to reach a fire escape.
  2. Antoine took a potshot at him.

None of them respect him. They won’t try to kill him, but none of them respect him.

My Soul’s Worn Thin

“How old were you?”


“When you first killed someone.” Trent pops his neck. “How old were you.”



The car is silent, at first. But hell, they’re all in this crazy ride now whether they like it or not, and it’s not like anybody’s some sort of homicide-virgin. They wouldn’t be here if they were.

“Eighteen,” Antoine says at last. “Army. He came outta nowhere, I was quicker on the trigger.”

He doesn’t say the guy had been his age, or that he’d about puked all over his boots. It’s not the messiest kill he’s ever done, just…seconds, that’s all that had been between Z.Z. going, ‘fuck, I didn’t even see him–you okay?’ and him being the one staring into the void with three bullets in his chest.

Jimmy swallows, clearly a little uncomfortable, and mumbles, “Twenty-one. This. We were at a bar, this guy came up to us-turned out to be a guerrilla fighter-, shot the friend I was with. I got off a lucky shot before he could get to me. Friend lived that time, but. Didn’t see him coming.”

Antoine doesn’t correct that story. It’s true, it’s not that, but Jimmy’s leaving out that their attacker was another friend that turned traitor. It happens, but it can’t be easy to look a friend in the eyes and blow their head off.

“Nineteen,” Trent finally supplies. “Fucker turned on me, I just. Grabbed at him, you know, to not get shot, and, uh. Managed to twist his head backwards.” He shrugs. “Gun didn’t go off, so that worked out.”

Riley nods.

Him or me, he explains, hands just this side of hesitant. Gun jammed, but I had a knife, got it through his eye. Not bad for nineteen, huh?

“Twenty,” Frank says shortly. “I’d been out to fix a jeep, you know? We got ambushed, and this guy came up on me. His gun jammed, mine didn’t.” He laughs, a little. “I got the guts up after that to ask Daisy to marry me. Figured that had to be less scary than some guy trying to kill me.”

Mark shrugs.

“Thirty-three. I was trying to stabilize this guy who’d gotten his arm blown half off, and this guy just comes out of nowhere, screaming bloody murder. I got grazed, because I moved, but I got him in the stomach. He bled out while I was working on the guy I was there for.” He flicks a piece of lint off his pants. “That whole day was a mess.”

The car falls silent, barring the radio, and Antoine looks at the mountains in the distance. Nobody here, he guesses, ever had much of a shot at doing anything else. He certainly doesn’t feel like it. You get used to it-or that’s what you tell yourself-but it changes you, puts you on a different course.

“Sixteen,” the Knight says suddenly. Antoine doesn’t look over there, but. Mm. “Thought it was someone else, but he did try to kill me, so.” He shifts a bit. “Strangled him.”

Yeah. Nobody here ever had much of a chance, did they.



i cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have gossipy bitchy littl pirvate group chats or discord servers with like 4 people in them whose stated purpose is posting “new kind of guy” or “this reddit post is so fuckin dumb” or “i got into a fight on twitter today look at this idiot’s reply” so your homies can still see it and laugh and back you up but more importantly, so you are not tempted to post these kind of things on main


Artwork by Marcio Takara.
