

Stationary haul and giveaway! Watch the video to see how to enter to win a notebook!

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안녕하세요 여러분! Today I have a new kind of lesson for you all: it’s about Hanja! If you don’t know what Hanja is, it’s “Chinese characters borrowed from Chinese and incorporated into the Korean language with Korean pronunciation,” according to Korean Wiki Project. Korean words that feature the same borrowed character often have a shared meaning of some sort, which is why Hanja is good to know! If you know the meaning of one word with a character, you might be able to figure out another word with the same character without even using a dictionary! 

To start this series of lessons, I wanted to start with the character 최; I got an ask about some words starting with it and thought it’d be helpful to make a short lesson about it :) I’m also going to post this on my Instagram soon as well, so go check it out there too! Let’s start!


I hope this short list of words has been helpful – let me know what you think and if you’d like to see more of these! Maybe in the future I can break down the entire word – instead of just explaining what 최 means, for instance, I can explain what 애 means too, for example. Lmk your thought! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

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  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Today I have a lesson with a grammar structure you hear pretty often and it yet another way to say “because” in Korean lol. I also made a post on my Instagram about this structure, so go check that out as well! Let’s start!

Here’s the formula for this structure:

  • [verb stem] + 느라고 + [rest of sentence]
  • Note that this can only be used with verbs, not adjectives.
  • I believe the -고 can be dropped with no difference in meaning.

-느라고 is used to explain a reason for a consequence, and this consequence is usually negative. It can also be used in contexts when your doing one action prevents you from doing the other. Let’s look at some examples:

  • 공부하느라고 밤 새웠어요. = I stayed up all night studying.
  • Here, you’re explaining what caused you to stay up all night, which was studying.
  • 숙제를 하느라고 파티에 못 갔어요. = I couldn’t go to the party because I was busy doing homework. 
  • The consequence of your doing homework is not not being able to go to the party. One action, doing homework, prevented you from doing the other, which is going to the party.

Let’s see some more examples!

  • 늦잠을 자느라고 수업에 못 갔어요. = I didn’t go to class because I overslept.
  • 운동하느라고 전화를 못 받았어요. = I was exercising, so I couldn’t pick up your phone call.
  • 일하느라고 바빴어요. = I was busy working.
  • 요리하느라고 힘들었어요. = I was exhausted after cooking. 
  • 야근하느라고 집에 늦게 왔어요. = I came home late because I was working overtime.

That’s about it for this lesson! Hope it was helpful! See you in the next one! 다음에 또 봐요!

  • My masterlist
  • Joinmy Discord chat here to practice Korean with others!
  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! I have another Insta post I wanted to share with y’all! I have a regular lesson about -(으)면 되다 and -(으)면 안 되다 that I made a while back, but I feel like this post is a little more accurate and captures its nuance better. So that’s why I’m posting it here too! I hope it’s helpful!


Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram by clicking the link below! Hope this is helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

  • My masterlist
  • Joinmy Discord chat here to practice Korean with others!
  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got a request for a vocab list about K-pop fandom-related words, so here it is! This is a combination of words you might use as a fan and some words related to being an idol. I hope it’s helpful :) Let’s start!


  • 가사 = lyrics
  • 가수 = singer
  • 그룹 = group
  • (메인, 리드) 댄서 = (main, lead) dancer
  • 리더 = leader
  • (메인, 리드) 래퍼 = rapper
  • 막내 = the youngest member of a group
  • (메인, 리드) 보컬 = vocal
  • 노래 = song
  • 뮤직비디오 = music video
  • 뮤비 is short for this.
  • 멤버 = member
  • 비주얼 = visual
  • 밴드 = band
  • 안무 = choreography
  • 안무 연습 = dance practice
  • 아이돌 = idol
  • 연습생 = trainee
  • 응원봉 = lightstick
  • 인터뷰 = interview
  • 앨범 = album
  • (제일) 좋아하는 멤버 = bias
  • 제일 좋아하는 멤버 literally means “favorite member” or “member you like the most.” I often just see 좋아하는 멤버 to mean the same thing, even though it literally means “member that you like.”
  • 컴백 = comeback
  • 콘서트 = concert
  • 콘서트티켓 = concert ticket
  • 케이팝 = K-pop
  • 포토카드 / 포카 = photocard
  • = fan
  • 팬사인회 = fan signing event
  • 팬클럽 = fan club


  • 덕질하다 = to be a die-hard fan of; to be really into
  • 노래하다 = to sing
  • 노래를 부르다 is another word for “to sing”
  • 데뷔하다 = to debut
  • 녹음하다 = to record
  • 연습하다 = to practice
  • 응원하다 = to cheer on; to support
  • 촬영하다 = to shoot; to film
  • 춤을추다 = to dance
  • 컴백하다 = to have a comeback

That’s about it for this list! 제일 좋아하는 밴드가 뭐예요? 코멘트 하세요! What is your favorite band? Leave a comment! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

  • My masterlist
  • Joinmy Discord chat here to practice Korean with others!
  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fi to support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! I got a request to do some possible questions and answers that you might come across if you’re auditioning to be a K-pop idol! I’m not entirely familiar with the audition process or what kinds of questions might be asked of you, but here’s a list based on what I found online. I think that in order to answer these questions in Korean, you should be familiar with beginner/upper-beginner and some intermediate grammar structures and vocabulary. Check out my masterlist linked below to find some lessons that might help you answer them! I hope this is helpful for any aspiring idols! Let’s start!

Questions / 질문

  • 이름이 뭐예요? = What is your name?
  • 어디에서 왔어요? = Where are you from?
  • 어디에 살아요? = Where do you live?
  • 몇 살이세요? = How old are you?
  • 학교에 어디 다녀요? = Where do you go to school?
  • 학교에 어디 다녔어요? = Where did you go to school? 
  • 무슨 언어를 하세요? = What languages do you speak?
  • 노래한 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been singing for?
  • 춤을 춘 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been dancing for?
  • 랩을 한 지 얼마나 됐어요? = How long have you been rapping for?
  • 무슨 악기를 하세요? = What instruments do you play?
  • 왜 아이돌 되고 싶으세요? = Why do you want to be an idol?
  • 가장 좋아하는 가수/밴드 누구예요? = Who is your favorite singer/band?
  • 취미가 뭐예요? = What are your hobbies?

Answers / 대답

  • 안녕하세요, 제 이름은 [name]입니다. = Hello, my name is [name].
  • 저는 [country]에서 왔어요. / 저는 [country] 사람입니다. = I am from [country].
  • 저는 [place]에 살고 있습니다. = I live in [place].
  • 저는 [#]살입니다. = I am [#] years old.
  • Use native Korean numbers when saying your age.
  • 저는 [school’s name]에 다녀요. = I go to [school’s name].
  • 저는 [school’s name]에 다녔어요. = I went to [school’s name].
  • 저는 [language 1], [language 2]하고 [language 3] 합니다. = I speak [language 1], [language 2], and [language 3].
  • 저는 노래한 지 [amount of time] 됐어요. = I have been singing for [amount of time].
  • 저는 춤을 춘 지 [amount of time] 됐습니다. = I have been dancing for [amount of time].
  • 저는 랩을 한 지 [amount of time] 됐습니다. = I have been rapping for [amount of time].
  • 저는 [year]년부터 노래했습니다 / 춤을 췄습니다 / 랩을 했습니다. = I have been singing/dancing/rapping since [year].
  • 저는 [instrument] 연주합니다. = I play [instrument].
  • [reason] 아이돌 되고 싶습니다. = I want to become an idol because [reason].
  • 가장 좋아하는 가수는/그룹은 [name]입니다. = My favorite singer/group is [name].
  • 제 취미는 [hobby]하고 [hobby] 입니다. = My hobbies are [hobby] and [hobby].

That’s about it for this list! Best of luck to you all :) See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!

  • My masterlist
  • Joinmy Discord chat here to practice Korean with others!
  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium usingmy affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fito support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!

안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Today’s lesson is about -고 보니까, which is one way to express realization. Let’s start!

Use this formula:

  • [verb stem] + 고 보니까 + [rest of sentence]
  • The -까 can be dropped with no difference in meaning.

This structure is used to express your realization after you finish doing an action. Let’s look at an example:

  • 한국어 수업을 듣고 보니까 꽤 어렵더라고요. = After taking a Korean class, I’ve realized that it’s quite difficult.

This sentence communicates your realization after you completed the action of taking a Korean class, that realization being that Korean is difficult to learn. I want to emphasize that this structure can only be used when talking about a completed action, not one that is currently in progress. 

Notice that this structure is seen in sentences that have other endings communicating some sort of realization or surprise like 것 같다, -네요,and-더라고요. Let’s see some more examples! 

  • 책을 다 읽고 보니까 생각보다 재미있어요. = After reading the book, I see that it’s more interesting than I thought.
  • 그러고 보니까 그 콘서트 표는 꽤 비싸네요. = Now that I think about it, that concert ticket it quite expensive.
  • 그러고 보니 is a fixed expression meaning “now that I think about it” or “come to think of it.”
  • 처음에는 김치를 싫었는데 다시 먹어보고 보니 괜찮더라고요. = At first, I didn’t like kimchi, but after trying it again, it’s okay.
  • 원래는 걔가 좀 차가운 것 같지만 더 친해지보니 아주 착하네요. = Originally I thought she was a little cold, but now that I’ve gotten closer to her, she’s very nice.

That’s about it for this lesson! Lmk if you have any questions :) See you in the next one! 다음에 또 봐요!

  • My masterlist
  • Joinmy Discord chat here to practice Korean with others!
  • Follow me onInstagram herefor more Korean content!
  • GetDrops Premium using my affiliate link to expand your Korean vocab!
  • Check out myKo-Fito support this blog and my studies! Thank you for your generosity!
wwh: (Day 12/100) Today’s Tasks:pick up groceriescanvas assignmentsread article and take notesstart wwh: (Day 12/100) Today’s Tasks:pick up groceriescanvas assignmentsread article and take notesstart


(Day 12/100) Today’s Tasks:

  • pick up groceries
  • canvas assignments
  • read article and take notes
  • start working on presentation slides
  • watch lecture for courtroom
  • do reading assignment for applications
  • make new firearms flashcards on anki
  • review old courtroom flashcards
  • make new courtroom flashcards 
  • go on a walk for 30 min
  • go to class (TOUR OF THE CRIME LAB TODAY!!!! HECK YES!)

Song of the Day: Just One Day by BTS 

Post link


5 october 21

I reorganised my room and changed my desk a bit, I’m very happy with the result!

Now going back to work on python because I’m expanding the work I did last semester on galaxies and try to publish a paper

Analyzing a text in Old Norse as practice for my exam is not exactly what I would like to do now as

Analyzing a text in Old Norse as practice for my exam is not exactly what I would like to do now as the sun is shining on the Norwegian Riviera ☀️

Post link

doing math homework be like:

ahhhhhhh trigono-mecry ahhhhhhh why is math so harddddddd *starts sobbing and rolls around the floor of bedroom* trigonometry is a sin ahhhhhhhhhhhh

it’s difficult, but at some point, we’re all gonna have to learn that in order to succeed, we gotta keep trying. so stop being angry at yourself failing at new things, because failing is normal. rome wasn’t built in a day, y’all.


it’s okay to fail. it’s okay to not succeed on your first try. it’s okay to not be able to live up to society’s unrealistic expectations of you. it’s okay to have emotions. it’s okay to be human.


it’s NOT okay to make people feel bad about failing. it’s NOT okay to set unrealistic expectations on people and get angry at them when they fail to meet these expectations. it’s NOT okay to make people feel bad about emotions.



you can check it out here(please?): https://www.instagram.com/shortiestudies/

i decided to start a studygram to connect and reach out to more people in the studyblr/studygram/STUDYING community, after realising how much we have grown in 3 months!!

3 months!!! and we’re nearly at 700 followers<3

so, go check it out(PLEASE I BEG YOU, THAT STUDYGRAM NEEDS SOME LOVE), “don’t be a prick”, and be nice:)))

love youuuuuu,

claire, aka, shortiestudies:)

Tagging Game!!!

thank you @fenstudies for tagging me ahahaahahha this sounds fun, so HERE WE GO:

rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better.

name: you can find my name on my homepage, i’m claire, nice to meet you

nickname: there are too many, some notable ones include: shortiepatootie, clairefayette(im a hamilton fan gahahahaha), smol child(im really short, that’s why), tiny student(my teacher calls me that, so now we’re in a debate on whether i will grow taller or not, i say no, she says maybe, so.)

zodiac sign: leo?

height: 152(?????) cm, i told you i was short

languages spoken: english and chinese!!

nationality: singaporean, its a country that is located south of malaysia:-)

favourite fruit: apples and oranges and blackberries and grapes and mangoes and pears and cherries and so many more

favourite season: winter. because like vivaldi’s “winter” from “four seasons”, winter kicks ass.

favourite scent: anything decent. like good food, roses, home, and ESPECIALLY COFFEE AND TEA, THOSE ARE SO SO GOOD

favourite colour: black, white, and pastel colours like dust pink and millennial pink or baby blue

favourite animal: dogs and cats, much floof, hehehehehe

coffee, tea, hot chocolate: all of them, but there is nothing like a good cafe latte or mug of chamomile tea when the weather is chilly

average hours of sleep: it fluctuates, but on normal school days, 5-6 hours, heehee


no. of blankets you sleep with: 1. sometimes i go without because it is a constant summer here im not even kidding, our average temperature is 30 degrees celsius

dream trip: i dont know, japan? the food is good there and the people are nice:)))

blog created: sometime in march 2018

tagging:@gravitynotes@astudyingbird@stationarie@studymotivationdiary@study-like-slytherin and anyone else who wants to try this out:)

studying, expectations vs reality:


after the topic is taught: oh i’d better start revising in case i forget

2 weeks before the examinations: oh i’d better set a date for consultation with my teachers

1 week before the examinations: oh i should just do some light revision and rest well

day before the examinations: oh i should sleep early and drink water


after the topic is taught: HAHAHAHAH time to rest good job me i survived another math lesson woohoo

2 weeks before the examinations: oh there are still two more weeks, we’re cool, what is revision hahahahahah

1 week before the examinations: oh maybe i should set a date for consultations with my teachers and do some light revision. nahhhhhhhhhh.


1.30.19 ☀️

for anyone who’s tired of the snow- here’s a pretty picture I took in june along with a picture of my journals for 2019 :)
