

My drawing of The Losers Club!! Please don’t repost!!

#mike hanlon    #ben hanscom    #stan uris    #stanley uris    #bill denbrough    #eddie kaspbrak    #richie tozier    #beep beep richie    #it richie    #bev marsh    #beverly marsh    #it 2017    #it 2019    #pennywise    #reddie    #stenbrough    #my art    #fan art    #derry maine    #stephen king    #it chapter 2    #stanlon    #georgie    #georgie denbrough    

stan, about the losers: your existence is confusing

bill: how so?

stan: your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me

#stanley uris    #bill denbrough    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #richie tozier    #eddie kaspbrak    #stanbrough    #stanlon    #stozier    #steddie    #streddie    #billverly    #hanbrough    #bichie    #kaspbrough    #benverly    #trashstack    #bevchie    #hanzier    #kasplon    #reddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

ben: is eddie always like this when he loses?

bill: oh yes, you should have been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 1985

eddie: you bumped the table and you know it!

#ben hanscom    #bill denbrough    #eddie kaspbrak    #mike hanlon    #beverly marsh    #richie tozier    #stanley uris    #benverly    #trashstack    #kaspbrough    #kasplon    #reddie    #steddie    #streddie    #hanzier    #stanlon    #bevchie    #stozier    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

richie: can I have a piece of cake from the fridge?

mike: what’s the rule?

richie, sighing: no cake after dinner…

mike: no that’s Ben’s rule. my rule is that you need to bring me a slice too

#richie tozier    #mike hanlon    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #bill denbrough    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #hanzier    #trashstack    #bevchie    #bichie    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #hanbrough    #stanlon    #kasplon    #benverly    #billverly    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

bill: what’s the first thing you notice when a man approaches you?

bev: the audacity

#bill denbrough    #mike hanlon    #beverly marsh    #ben hanscom    #richie tozier    #eddie kaspbrak    #stanley uris    #hanbrough    #billverly    #bichie    #kaspbrough    #stanbrough    #hanzier    #kasplon    #stanlon    #benverly    #bevchie    #trashstack    #reddie    #stozier    #streddie    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

richie: sorry mom, called you by accident

maggie: that’s okay, had you by accident

#richie tozier    #bill denbrough    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #bichie    #trashstack    #bevchie    #hanzier    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #billverly    #hanbrough    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #benverly    #stanlon    #kasplon    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

eddie: will you all stop accusing me of having favorites? I like all you bills and non-bills equally.

#eddie kaspbrak    #mike hanlon    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #bill denbrough    #richie tozier    #stanley uris    #kasplon    #kaspbrough    #reddie    #steddie    #streddie    #hanbrough    #hanzier    #stanlon    #benverly    #trashstack    #billverly    #bevchie    #bichie    #stanbrough    #stozier    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

bill: I want a hot drink

richie: I wanna pee

richie: I guess we share similar interests

bill: no we fuCKING DONT

#bill denbrough    #richie tozier    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #bichie    #billverly    #hanbrough    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #trashstack    #bevchie    #hanzier    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #benverly    #stanlon    #kasplon    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

bev: ace of spades!

stan, plays an uno card: draw four!

ben, plays a sorry card: sorry not sorry, back to start.

richie: pikachu! I choose you!


#beverly marsh    #stanley uris    #ben hanscom    #mike hanlon    #richie tozier    #bill denbrough    #eddie kaspbrak    #benverly    #bevchie    #billverly    #stanlon    #stozier    #stanbrough    #steddie    #streddie    #trashstack    #hanzier    #hanbrough    #kasplon    #bichie    #reddie    #kaspbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

ben: my parents thought I didn’t know about the birds and the bees

richie: lmao what’s that


#richie tozier    #ben hanscom    #bill denbrough    #mike hanlon    #beverly marsh    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #trashstack    #bichie    #hanzier    #bevchie    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #benverly    #hanbrough    #billverly    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #stanlon    #kasplon    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

eddie, angrily: that’s it


eddie: you’re officially uninvited to my wedding

bill: you mean our wedding?

eddie: yes that would be correct, you’re not coming

bill: how would that even work

#eddie kaspbrak    #bill denbrough    #richie tozier    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #stanley uris    #kaspbrough    #reddie    #kasplon    #steddie    #streddie    #bichie    #billverly    #hanbrough    #stanbrough    #trashstack    #bevchie    #hanzier    #benverly    #stanlon    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2017    #it 2019    

eddie: how do I make a date really romantic?

bev: try being mysterious

eddie: got it

(later with stan)

stan: so where are we going?

eddie: none of your fucking business

#eddie kaspbrak    #stanley uris    #beverly marsh    #richie tozier    #bill denbrough    #ben hanscom    #mike hanlon    #steddie    #reddie    #streddie    #kaspbrough    #kasplon    #stozier    #stanbrough    #stanlon    #bevchie    #billverly    #benverly    #bichie    #trashstack    #hanzier    #hanbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it fandom    #it 2019    #it 2017    

mike, entering his room: *turns on the lights* ah! how did you get in here?!

richie, on the bed sipping a caprisun: someone said gay beetlejuice three times and I magically appeared.

#mike hanlon    #richie tozier    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #bill denbrough    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #hanzier    #hanbrough    #stanlon    #kasplon    #trashstack    #bevchie    #bichie    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #benverly    #billverly    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

richie, head in stan’s lap: tell me I’m pretty?

stan, lovingly looking down at him: you’re pretty fucking annoying, is what you are

#richie tozier    #stanley uris    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #bill denbrough    #mike hanlon    #eddie kaspbrak    #stozier    #trashstack    #bevchie    #bichie    #hanzier    #reddie    #streddie    #stanbrough    #stanlon    #steddie    #benverly    #billverly    #hanbrough    #kaspbrough    #kasplon    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

richie, dramatically falling in ben’s arms: I don’t know how much longer I’ve got…

ben: at the rate you’re bleeding? decades.

#richie tozier    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #stanley uris    #bill denbrough    #eddie kaspbrak    #trashstack    #bevchie    #hanzier    #stozier    #bichie    #reddie    #streddie    #benverly    #billverly    #stanlon    #hanbrough    #kasplon    #stanbrough    #steddie    #kaspbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

bev: has anyone seen bill?

bill, lying facedown on the floor:present

#beverly marsh    #bill denbrough    #ben hanscom    #richie tozier    #mike hanlon    #eddie kaspbrak    #stanley uris    #billverly    #benverly    #bevchie    #bichie    #hanbrough    #kaspbrough    #trashstack    #hanzier    #reddie    #stozier    #streddie    #kasplon    #stanlon    #steddie    #stanbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

richie: I DO WHAT I WANT

eddie: I’m calling stan

richie: no wait-

#richie tozier    #eddie kaspbrak    #stanley uris    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #bill denbrough    #reddie    #stozier    #streddie    #hanzier    #bevchie    #bichie    #steddie    #kasplon    #kaspbrough    #stanlon    #stanbrough    #benverly    #trashstack    #hanbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

ben: I already have a tattoo

richie: what? where? why? how? when?

ben: I will never talk about it again

#ben hanscom    #richie tozier    #beverly marsh    #mike hanlon    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #bill denbrough    #trashstack    #benverly    #bevchie    #hanzier    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #bichie    #stanlon    #kasplon    #hanbrough    #steddie    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

stan: do you understand the problem now that I’ve explained it to you for 15 minutes


stan: are you lying to me

bev, voice cracking:yes

#stanley uris    #beverly marsh    #ben hanscom    #mike hanlon    #bill denbrough    #richie tozier    #eddie kaspbrak    #stanlon    #stanbrough    #stozier    #steddie    #streddie    #benverly    #billverly    #bevchie    #trashstack    #hanbrough    #hanzier    #hanbrak    #kasplon    #bichie    #kaspbrough    #reddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    

richie: I can’t find my phone

mike: I’ll call it for you

richie no wait-

richie’s phone: you are my dad YOU’RE MY DAD boogie woogie woogie


richie: I can explain

#mike hanlon    #richie tozier    #bill denbrough    #ben hanscom    #beverly marsh    #stanley uris    #eddie kaspbrak    #hanzier    #hanbrough    #stanlon    #hanbrak    #kasplon    #bichie    #trashstack    #bevchie    #stozier    #reddie    #streddie    #billverly    #stanbrough    #kaspbrough    #benverly    #steddie    #it movie    #it book    #it stephen king    #it 2019    #it 2017    