#please stop


I’m so tired of being told I should feel guilty for everything

I can’t believe I’m writing this PSA, but to fic writers, please stop getting pregnant up the butt.

There’s something we desperately need to talk about and address in fiction tropes across fandom and other forms of media. Specifically in the ABO universe where mpreg is a common theme.

Stop having butt babies.

Listen, I’m all for people writing ABO tropes and having fun, but we need to stop having omegas or whoever else is capable of carrying children as dubbed in the universe getting pregnant through their assholes. I know ABO anatomy and physiology is its own can of worms and there’s so many variations, but please for the love of God STOP having people breed through the assholes. Just give them another passage or something. Because the rectal canal is not conducive to having a uterus entrance or for pregnancy purposes.

I can’t explain to you the amount of risk it entails for embryological development if you’re introducing potential contamination to the uterus like this. In the real world, people with uteruses who are pregnant have to be very cautious and aware of what they’re introducing to the environment while the fetus is developing. The risk of teratogens such as recreational drugs, tobacco or alcohol, medications, and certain infections can cause serious complications to the embryo and mother.

I can only imagine that this all taking place through the rectum and colon in ABO verse opens up even more avenues for potential harmful contaminates and serious risks or complications for the embryo and pregnant person. I can expand on this topic if you want, but this is just my bare minimal plea to you to PLEASE stop the butt babies.

It’s not conducive to successful reproduction or population growth for humanity as a whole. I just know it.

Sincerely, your resident pelvic health therapist.

I don’t normally kink shame, but lewd sexualizing posts about a clown that preyed on fear, racism, hatred, and homophobia, based on a book with a child sex orgy is Not Okay™. Please stop writing posts about tenderly fucking Pennywise. First of all, what on earth gives you the impression It’s cuddly? Second, it’s in poor fucking taste. Please do not.

Why are you like this internet? Rule 34 is not a challenge.

Why do they constantly keep hurting me?

Not trusting that your peers have your best interests in mind when it comes to selecting an activity that won’t cause you stress and anxiety because of your hearing, while dealing with the backlash as you are accused of not having enough faith in others, when, ironically, you’ve had to explain to those same people many times why you don’t answer the phone or why you’re over the loud, crowded bar scene or why that guy’s looking at you funny because of your accent.

And then they proceed to tell you that it’s all in your head.

I’m not fucking dealing with this in 2018. Get out of my face with my shit.

Subs be like:

But then be like:


Why is the#stopasianhatehashtag full of nothing but hogwash?

It’s filtered and littered with people taking part in fetishism when it comes to Asians and people taking selfies.

This has literally nothing to do with why the hashtag was made in the first place.

It was made so important issues could be discussed publicly.

STOP sexualizing Asian women!

I will report every single post like that I see and I don’t care who is running the account.

STOP tagging these important hashtags in your damn selfies!

THIS is what should be tagged!

hey, please stop sending me questions about what your zodiacs are when it’s literally on your profile. i’m not gonna promo you.

San Francisco, CA. $175.00/week “Welcome to our guest tent"  "It’s furnished w

San Francisco, CA. $175.00/week

“Welcome to our guest tent" 

"It’s furnished with a single airbed”

“This rental is limited to one person”

Post link



Is he like the only Jewish actor people know? Cause not only is that sad….he also would make a terrible Ben. Do these people even know ANYTHING about Ben Grimm????

I really wish that they weren’t making that Peaky Blinders film.

I hated season six.

I hate how nobody loves Charlie.


When I see a differentship from a completely differentfandom in the shipping tag I’m in and it’s my notpand they’re being compared to my otp as if they’re the same thing.

Sentí humillación, me sentí una burla, me sentí odiada. ¿Por qué me odian? No les he hecho nada malo. Ellos no saben lo que es sentirse así. Sentirte tan triste, que lo único que quieres es morir, porque así todo sería más sencillo.

Dejen las burlas y los comentarios negativos de un lado, ustedes no saben lo que pueden ocasionar. DEJEN DE REÍRSE DE LAS PERSONAS, Y DE QUERER DESEAR SU MUERTE.

Everything about this line of casting for the Borderlands movie feels like they pitched the movie as “Jumanji but more violent” and not “Mad Max with aliens”.


So I just found out that there are more people making works on AO3 with a million tags on them in protest to AO3 not removing that one fic (you know the one). I would just like to state my own personal opinion about that right up front: if you’re trolling AO3, no matter your reason for doing so, you’re the asshole.

I know we all call it AO3, but the a stands for Archive. It’s a site built on the premise that fanworks deserve to exist and shouldn’t be taken down, unless the author is making that decision for themselves. 

This means that there are lots of works on AO3 that I think suck. There are works that are poorly written or boring or morally reprehensible. And guess what? All of that is protected because it’s not about a single work, it’s about fanworks in general and all of us having a place we can rely on to have our backs. 

The whole point of AO3 is not deleting works just because someone complains about them. The work needs to violate the Terms of Service and if it doesn’t, then it shouldn’t be removed. The rules that protect me protect those other works too. 

The volunteers at AO3 take the site’s goals and premise very seriously. They aren’t going to make snap judgements about a work, not even a work with a million tags. They also aren’t going to make snap judgements about implementing a limit on tags when there hasn’t been one before. 

They need to talk things out and discuss the short and long term ramifications. They need to talk about where to draw the line, and how can they explain why they decided to draw the line there? Will this decision affect works that already exist on the Archive? What do we do about them? Those authors posted before this new rule came into being, so you can’t punish them for a rule that didn’t exist at the time. 

Creating more works with the same issue just means that volunteer tag wranglers have even more work to do. Mass reporting a work that has already been reported just means that Policy & Abuse volunteers have even more work to do. If you fill up their lives with nonsense tags or repeat reports, you know what they can’t do? The thing that everyone (including them) wants them to be doing

People who volunteer for AO3 also read on AO3. They are as annoyed about these works as you are. But making more work for them to do isn’t the answer. Being patient is. It’s going to take time for them to make decisions about things like tag limits. It’s going to take time for them to code the limit into the site. It’s going to take time for them to test the code and make sure it doesn’t break anything. And in the meantime:

Filter out the author and bookmark your filter in your browser so you don’t have to enter it every time.

Add the work-blocking code to your site skin so you never need to see that work again, as long as you’re logged in.

There are tools you can use to avoid the things you don’t want to see. Creating a bigger problem isn’t the solution. It’s just a dick move.

Filter out the author and bookmark your filter in your browser so you don’t have to enter it every time.

Add the work-blocking code to your site skin so you never need to see that work again, as long as you’re logged in.

There are tools you can use to avoid the things you don’t want to see. Creating a bigger problem isn’t the solution. It’s just a dick move.

(also there’s a tag shortening skin too)

if there are two things i didn’t need to hear are 1-joel saying he milked himself and giving said milk to sausage and 2-sausage calling said milk yummy

to the person who actually had the nerve to ask about if klance or any romance would be in voltron:

The voltron cast does not deserve this. They’ve spent so much time on this show and the people who only care about the ships are ungrateful.



People talk a lot about “today’s terrible eating habits” and “the proliferation of ‘junk food’ today” and it makes me so mad. You will hate to hear this but eating and humanity’s relationship with food has changed for the better. Evidence of chronic malnutrition and starvation is found on so many remains in practically every different culture throughout history. And it wasn’t always a lack of food, it was a lack of understanding of what the body needs. Marasmus was an extremely common cause of death for children, it is a condition caused by severe malnutrition that results in stunted growth and often death. It effected children from affluent families, families that could afford to feed their children and did, not just children who were physically starving from lack of food. Now if we see a baby or a child with failure to thrive, we can supply rich formulas with the vitamins and calories they need to grow. They couldn’t do that back then because they didn’t understand.

We enrich common foods with vitamins and minerals that people are commonly deficient in (iodized salt, fluoride water) and it saves lives. With the invention of mass produced products and safe canning, we can send foods to regions they wouldn’t otherwise be available. It’s fantastic and it’s marvelous. Believe it or not, ‘processed foods’ have been very good for humanity.

Like you still don’t want to rely on these things if you can help it but it absolutely does beat dying undernourished at 10 years old….and modern foods are absolutely not giving us new diseases or new kinds of cancer like people believe. Those illnesses were also always a problem, we just didn’t coin scientific terminology for them yet.

Speaking as a disabled person: processed foods help keep me alive and independent, so hell yes to them. Obviously if you’re relying on food with very little fibre and/ or high quantities of refined sugar that’s a different story, but chicken and vegetable soup someone else made for me? Canned vegetables that don’t go off while I’m stuck in bed eating oatcakes and jerky? Yes, I will buy that and bread with a long life, thank you. We need to stop finding excuses to blame people for their own health issues.
