#my studies


Finally got to graduate (2 years later thanks covid) with my Masters of Research degree. Next step is my PhD in 3 years!

I was tagged by @blackteaandlanguages and thank you because I really like this :D

Rules:Share your recent studies (in class or independent), specify the last topic/text you covered, and tag others!

I’m studying…

These are my classes for this semester in Université de Genève; I start the 18th of September.

Language A = native = Spanish

Language B = non-native = English and/or French

  • Analyse de la langue A/ES (Spanish Analysis)
  • Étude de !a langue B/FR (French Studies)
  • Étude de la langue B/EN (English Studies)
  • Méthodologie de la traduction FR/ES (Translation Methodology French-Spanish)
  • Méthodologie de la trad. EN/ES (Translation Methodology English-Spanish)
  • Linguistique (Linguistics)
  • Technologies de l'information et la communication (Information and Communication Technologies - ICT)

Independently, I keep (lazily) perfecting my French, slowly starting with German (should be doing more) and already learning about languages and translation studies (TS). This summer I’ve read Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and ApplicationsandContexts in Translating (I know, hard to find but I was fast and lucky and got it for 4€ second-hand), and I’ll keep reading outside of my mandatory reads and uni stuff. I have some on my list for further reading, like After Babel. I’m interested in the ever debated problem of equivalence, if that is possible, and how contexts makes all the difference. 

I tag (and do it!) @studytolive&@namithemermaid-studies

The course has been so intense so far I can barely catch a break. I’m stressed but guys I friggin love it. I have just started my first design project and it’s going so well.

I had doubts about it before I started architecture, but now I feel this is perfect for me.

I want to take some time to make art for fun though, I miss witchy illustration!

Spring Semester - May 13thMy brain decided to fully wake me up at 6 am on my only day off, so now itSpring Semester - May 13thMy brain decided to fully wake me up at 6 am on my only day off, so now itSpring Semester - May 13thMy brain decided to fully wake me up at 6 am on my only day off, so now it

Spring Semester-May 13th

My brain decided to fully wake me up at 6 am on my only day off, so now it’s 4 pm and I’m bored because I don’t really want to study any more. 

So, I’ve done laundry, tidied my flat, read (Melanie Murphy’s Fully Functioning Human (almost) and Becky Albertalli’s Leah on the Off Beat (it’s as good as SVTHSA, it’s insane!)), thought of/planned/wrote yet another paper on harpies (5 pages this time), tried to find a subject for my masculinity paper (I think I’m gonna go with Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the end, never mind that I already did an assignment on Terry Crews for this class). I also did some self care, aka face mask and hair mask. To be honest, now that Years & Years is soon done playing in my flat, I shall go back to my reading nook (aka my bed, a plaid, and pillows) and continue LOTOB.

Have a nice Sunday, and ‘til next Sunday/my next day off

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Spring Semester - April 24thAfter two completely useless days binge-eating and binge-watching BrooklSpring Semester - April 24thAfter two completely useless days binge-eating and binge-watching Brookl

Spring Semester-April 24th

After two completely useless days binge-eating and binge-watching Brooklyn 99 (I started on Sunday and I may finish the second season tonight…), I finally did something! And by doing something, I mean working on my dissertation’s plan/draft thing-y that I need to finish by Thursday. My professor’d said 10-15 pages, and I was slightly panicking since I had no idea what to do. Turns out I have 16 pages and I’m actually fully done? If inspiration strikes, I shall continue, otherwise I’ll give him this draft. So, 16 pages for this paper and 13 pages for the harpie one, dang, I’ll have a lot to bring him for my last class of the semester/year!

(Also, random raspberry/yogurt/lemon juice/grated coconut/oat/water smoothie)

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