#made me laugh



Our Flag Means Death S01E09

Can’t stop imagining him in all different scenarios. All totally made up.

getmoneyghoul:manifesting you a bipedal through rage


manifesting you a bipedal through rage

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Unrelated to headcanons, but I am laughing hard at this. Also quite proud of how bots evolved /srs


INFP: *some stupid meme or joke*
ISTJ: Why…

ISTJ: *some stupid meme or joke*
INFP: Why…

INFP: *some stupid meme or joke*
ISTJ: *some stupid meme or joke*
INFP: *some stupid meme or joke*
ISTJ: *some stupid meme or joke*





“Won’t” is the boldest fucking contraction like it really Did That. Just went for it, no shame.

Will Not took one look at Don’t and thought yeah baby need me some of that

Do you want us to say Wiln’t

no mr bond i expect you to die

pegaeae: lynngo-art replied to your post “i’m gonna go to bed in a few but if u guys have sketch sugpegaeae: lynngo-art replied to your post “i’m gonna go to bed in a few but if u guys have sketch sugpegaeae: lynngo-art replied to your post “i’m gonna go to bed in a few but if u guys have sketch sugpegaeae: lynngo-art replied to your post “i’m gonna go to bed in a few but if u guys have sketch sug


lynngo-art replied to your post “i’m gonna go to bed in a few but if u guys have sketch suggestions…”

mydha’s first words and/or first steps

this was.. so cute…. thank you so much

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Quick Ko-fi commission for @called-kept! Thanks so much!!

[For the best reading experience, imagine a shady American car salesman voice for the dragon.]


Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you stay at home and watch Netflix like everyone else? (comi

Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you stay at home and watch Netflix like everyone else? (comic by mm)

More from 3 guys who don’t draw good: Instagram|Twitter|Facebook

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I think I might have played too many city builder games during quarantine. I just tried to rotate the angle of my word document using the middle scroll button to try and get a better look at the plot.

If it makes you feel better, I’ve been gardening so much the thought “The wifi is running slow, maybe the router needs to be watered” occured to me last night.

#crosswired impulses are deeply hilarious to me#i was taking a greek class and a higher math class at the same and i tried to decline some differential equations#which. did not help funnily enough. differential equations are still bad even in the accusative (tags via @thoughtsformtheuniverse)

I frequently catch myself trying to ID strangers using iNaturalist.

I regularly try to check the time in the top right corner of, like, reality, because that’s where it is on my Mac.

I also was once briefly but sincerely alarmed when I realized I didn’t have my dog’s phone number and what if I needed to text her??
