

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form).

존재하다 : to exist

선언하다 : to declare, proclaim

목격하다 : to witness

제안하다 : to suggest

조언하다 : to advise

개입하다 : to intervene

헌신하다 : to devote

축하하다 : to congratulate

환영하다 : to welcome

접근하다 : to approach

투자하다 : to invest

개선하다 : to improve

응원하다 : to cheer, support

설명하다 : to explain

오해하다 : to misunderstand, misconceive

해결하다 : to resolve

조절하다 : to adjust

계획하다 : to plan

보호하다 : to protect

조사하다 : to investigate

확인하다 : to check, verify, confirm

출발하다 : to depart, set off, start

도착하다 : to arrive, reach

설득하다 : to persuade

양보하다 : to yield, give way

희생하다 : to sacrifice

쟁취하다 : to achieve, win

야기하다 : to cause, bring about

실수하다 : to make a mistake

긍정하다 : to affirm

부정하다 : to deny

생산하다 : to produce

소비하다 : to consume, spend

인정하다 : to admit

소유하다 : to own, possess

봉사하다 : to serve, do volunteer work

유지하다 : to maintain

보조하다 : to assist

인용하다 : to quote, cite

대표하다 : to represent

선택하다 : to choose, select

거절하다 : to reject, refuse

촉진하다 : to promote, accelerate, boost

요구하다 : to demand, ask

사과하다 : to apologize

추측하다 : to guess, suppose

간섭하다 : to interfere

낭독하다 : to read aloud

관찰하다 : to observe

추구하다 : to pursue, seek

Written and edited by Admin Yu


눈 : snow

첫눈 : first snow of the winter

눈송이 / 눈꽃 : snowflake

결정 : crystal

서리 : frost

함박눈 : big snowflakes

진눈깨비 : sleet

눈보라 : blizzard

우박 : hail

폭설 : heavy snow

만년설 : perpetual snow

설경 : snow scenery

눈사람 : snowman

눈덩이 : snowball

눈싸움 : snowball fight

눈이 내리다 : to snow

얼다 : to freeze

녹다 : to melt, to thaw

하얗다 : white

새하얗다 : pure white

희다 : white

차갑다 : cold

춥다 : cold (weather)

(손이/귀가/코가) 시리다 : (hand/ear/nose is) cold

펑펑 : (adverb) shape of snow falling heavily (ex. 함박눈이 펑펑 내린다)

펄펄 : (adverb) shape of snow or powder blowing in the wind (ex. 흰 눈이 펄펄 내린다)

소복소복 : (adverb) shape of things piled up (ex. 길에 눈이 소복소복 쌓여 있다)

뽀드득 : (adverb) sound of stepping on a pile of snow

It’s snowing heavily in Korea!

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hello, this is Admin Hee. Today’s grammar will be regular conjugation.

Regular conjugation

The regular change of form of predicate in Korean grammar such as verbs and adjectives. At this point the predicate of a clause is the part of it that is not the subject and it consists of a stem and ending.

-Stem : unchanging part of the predicate

보- is the stem of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

-Ending : changing part

-다. -니, -고 is the ending of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

1. ‘ㅡ’ Elision  (’ㅡ’ 탈락)

‘ㅡ’ is elided in front of the stem ‘-아/어’, ‘-았/었-’

  • 담그- + -아 = 담가
  • 슬프- + -어 = 슬퍼
  • 아프다 + 아서/어서 = 아파서

Such verbs or adjectives like 끄다, 크다, 바쁘다, 따르다 are examples.

2. ‘ㄹ‘ Elision (’ㄹ’ 탈락)

When the last sound of the stem ‘ㄹ’ meets ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ,오’ , it gets elided too.

  • 살- + -는 = 사는
  • 살- + -ㅂ니다 = 삽니다
  • 살- + -오 = 사오

살다, 놀다, 울다, 불다, 얼다, 멀다 and so on are the examples.

Additionally, nouns that ends up with consonant ‘ㄹ’, gets elided when it is combined with ‘ㄴ,ㅅ’ which is the first sound of the next word. This is not about the conjugation of verbs and adjectives but are also called ‘ㄹ’ 탈락.

  • 버들+나무 = 버드나무
  • 솔+나무 = 소나무
  • 딸+님 = 따님

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

직업 Job

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

변호사 Lawyer

검사 Prosecutor

판사 Judge

기자 Reporter

아나운서 Announcer

선생님 Teacher

소방관 Firefighter

기술자 Engineer

미용사 Hairdresser

기업인 Business person

조종사 Pilot

기사 Driver

경찰관 Police

인명구조원 Life guard

우주비행사 Astronaut

배우 Actor

작가 Writer

요리사 Chef

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Hyun.

Today’s grammar I want to introduce is ‘same vowel elision’(동음 탈락). Same vowel elision is not an irregular conjugation. Under the conditions, it always happens.

A phenomenon where an ending(어미) that starts with ‘-아’ or ‘어’ follows after verb’s or adjective’s(용언) stem(어간) that end with ‘-아’ or ‘어’, and as a result, the same vowel ‘아’ or ‘어’ is repeated(comes consecutively), one of the same vowels is omitted(elision)

ㅏelision (ㅏ 탈락)

  • +서 가서(go and-)
  • +  가(go)
  • + + 다  갔다(went)
  • +서 차서(kick and-)
  • +  차(kick)
  • + + 다  찼다(kicked)

ㅓ elision (ㅓ 탈락)

  • +서 건너서(cross the street and-)
  • +  건너(cross the street)
  • + + 다   건넜다(crossed the street)
  • +서  나서서(take the lead and-)
  • + 나서(take the lead, step ahead)
  • + + 다  나섰다(took the lead)

Keep in mind that if the stem ends with a consonant, same vowel elision doesn’t take place. For example,

  • 먹 + 어  먹어(eat)
  • 먹 + 었 + 다  먹었다(ate)
  • 잡 + 아  잡아(catch)
  • 잡 + 았 + 다  잡았다(caught)

Elision of vowels is a kind of ‘elision of phoneme(음운)’. Not only vowels but also consonants are subject to elision. For example, if in 딸(daughter)+님(honorific ending), ‘ㄹ’ is omitted when it is followed by ㄴ and becomes 따님(honorific form of daughter). Elision of phoneme is one of many ‘changes in phoneme’ which include alteration, elision, addition and contraction.

Written by Admin Hyun

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the causative expression.

What is the causative expression?

The causative expression is having the subject make another person do a motion or act.


  • Heedo makes Seongyu laugh.: 희도가 선규를 웃긴다.

The causative expression can be divided into two, the derivative causative expression, and the syntactic causative expression. And the derivative causative can be divided again, into a causative verb by the causative expression and a causative verb by ‘-시키다’.

1. Suffix

A causative verb by the causative expression: The stem of a main verb+causative suffix ‘-이-, -히-, -리, -기-, -우-, -구-, -추-’


  • A mother feeds Kyung-soo.: 어머니가 경수에게 밥을 먹인다.
  • Young-mi woke her sleeping sister up.: 영미가 자고 있는 언니를 깨웠다.
  • The mother dressed the child.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입히었다.
  • Young-hee put the baby in a chair.: 영희가 아기를 의자에 앉혔다.
  • Feed a bird for food.: 새에게 모이를 먹이다.
  • Mother Dresses Hee-Leong.: 엄마가 희령이에게 옷을 입히다.
  • The woodcutter hides the deer behind the tree.: 나무꾼이 사슴을 나무 뒤에 숨기다.

2. 시키다

A causative verb by ‘-시키다’: Noun+’-시키다’


  • The police stopped the car.: 경찰이 차를 정지시켰다.
  • The doctor hospitalized Min-Kyung.: 의사가 민경이를 입원시켰다.
  • pollute오염시키다.

3. -게 하다

The syntactic expression, the causative verb by ‘-게 하다’: The stem of a main verb+’-게 하다’


  • My mother made my brother eat.: 어머니께서 동생에게 밥을 먹게 하셨다.
  • The mother made the child wear clothes.: 엄마가 아이에게 옷을 입게 하였다.
  • Hyuna let the bird fly.: 현아가 새를 날게 하였다.
  • To cause to eat.: 먹게 하다.

Causative verb

A verb that indicates that the subject of a sentence does not act on his own, but causes others to act.


  • 속이다
  • 넓히다
  • 울리다
  • 숨기다
  • 피우다
  • 솟구다
  • 늦추다

A ’-이우-’ combination of two causative suffixes makes a causative verb.


  • 재우다
  • 태우다
  • 키우다

Thank you all for reading this post! I really hope this was helpful for you, and always stay safe:D

참조 사진 및 출처

  • 신영균 국어 연구실

-Written by Admin Na

-Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Yu. Today’s grammar lesson will be on passive voice in Korean.

1. Passive Suffix

Passive verbs can be made by using passive suffixes -이/히/리/기-

  • 보다(to see) → 보다(to be seen)
  • 묻다(to bury) → 묻다(to be buried)
  • 물다(to bite) → 물다(to be bitten)
  • 쫓다(to chase) → 쫓다(to be chased)

The stem(어간) of passive verb includes the passive suffix! So when you conjugate the verb, you don’t have to change the suffix since stem is the part that doesn’t change.

경찰이 도둑을 잡다(The police catch a thief) → 도둑이 경찰에게 잡다(A thief be caught by the police)
경찰이 도둑을 잡았다(The police caught a thief) → 도둑이 경찰에게 잡었다/잡다(A thief was caught by the police)
바다가 보는 방(room where sea can be seen = room with sea view)
산에 묻힌 보물(treasure buried in the mountain)

2. –어지다

‘-어지다’ can make passive voice.

  • 만들다(to make) → 만들어지다(to be made)
  • 이루다(to accomplish) → 이루어지다(to be accomplished)
  • 지우다(to erase) → 지워지다(to be erased)
  • 뒤집다(to turn over) → 뒤집어지다(to be turned over)

내 꿈이 이루어졌다(My dream came true)
워진 기록(erased record)

3. -되다, -당하다

Noun + ‘-되다, -당하다’ can make passive voice.

  • 결정(decision) → 결정되다(to be decided)
  • 발견(discovery) → 발견되다(to be discovered)
  • 가공(processing) → 가공되다(to be processed)
  • 감염(infection) → 감염되다(to be infected)
  • 계획(plan) → 계획되다(to be planned)
  • 취소(cancel) → 취소되다(to be canceled)

대통령이 당선었다(The president was elected)
파티가 취소었다(The party was canceled)

  • 고문(torture) → 고문당하다(to be tortured)
  • 무시(ignorance) → 무시당하다(to be ignored)

그 아이는 부모에게 무시당했다(The child was ignored by his parents)

I hope this grammar lesson helped!

-Written and edited by Admin Yu

대학교 - University 

*Uni (the abbreviation of University)

캠퍼스 - Campus

도서관 - Library

학생 식당 - School Cafeteria

학생 기숙사 - student dormitory / a residential hall for students

학비 - school expenses

시간표 - Timetable 

장학금 - Scholarship

교과서 - Textbook

학점 - Credit (이수단위)

        - Grade(성적)

동아리 - Club

명문대학 - Prestigious university

단과대학 - College

전문대학 - Junior college

대학원 - Graduate school

학사 - College graduate

석사 - Master 

박사 - Doctorate

종강 - Finish a course

전공 - Major

학과 - Department

이력서 - Resume

학생회 - Student council

교수 - Professor

학기 - Semester

- Written by Admin Hee

- Edited by Admin Yu

Meaning - First

Korean syllable - 선

Korean name - 먼저 선


生님 - 생님 - Teacher (님 doesn’t have Hanja)

着順 - 착순 - First come first served / order of arrival

- 우 - First, above all, preference, special treatment


장터 - A traditional market

하계 올림픽 - Summer Olympics (하계 - The summer season)

동계 올림픽 - Winter Olympics (동계 - The winter season)

지지난주 - The week before last (last last week)

다다음주 - The week after next (next next week) (I didn’t really know how to visualize these, sorry)

장화 - Boots, rain boots

눈 오는 날 - Snow day, a day where it snows (눈 - Snow, 오다 - To come, ~는 - Makes 오다 a noun, 날 - Day)

울 - Wool

중간고사 - Midterm exam (중간 - Middle, 고사 - An examination, test)

가면 - A mask (disguise)

매다 - To tie, knot

구토 - Vomiting

허리띠 - A belt, waistband

빼다 - To remove

남색 - Navy blue, dark blue (also sodomy apparently?)

치통 - Toothache

복통 - Stomachache

조율하다 - To tune (a piano)

기쁨 - Pleasure, delight, joy. Noun form of 기쁘다 - To be happy

공포 - Fear

비서 - Secretary

아나운서 - Announcer, newscaster

경호원 - Guard, bodyguard

카메라맨 - Cameraman

재봉사 - Tailor

색소 결핍 - Albino

겁나다 - To be/get scared

멜론 - Melon

올리브 - An olive

파파야 - Papaya

감 - A persimmon

자두 - A plum

검은 베리 - Black currant (but I’ve also seen it used for blackberries and blueberries)

대추 - A jujube, a (Chinese) date

구스베리 - Gooseberry

구아바 - Guava

벨기에 - Belgium

칵테일 - Cocktail

아이스티 - Iced tea

생수 - Bottled water, spring water

코코아 - Cocoa

사탕무 - Beet (사탕 - Candy, 무 - Radish)

콩 - Bean

양배추 - Cabbage

무화과 - A fig

꽃양배추 - Cauliflower

가지 - An eggplant

단호박 - Sweet pumpkin (달다 - To be sweet, 호박 - Pumpkin)

대파 - Spring onion, leek

쪽파 - Scallion

순무 - Turnip

모음 - A vowel

자음 - A consonant

나무딸기 - A raspberry (나무 - A tree, 딸기 - A strawberry)

해산물 - Seafood, marine products

물다 - To bite

마못 - Groundhog

스프링클러 - Sprinkler

납치하다 - To abduct, kidnap

소방훈련 - Firedrill (소방 - Firefighting, 훈련 - training, drill, exercise)

승객 - A passenger

잔디밭 - Lawn (잔디 - Grass, 밭 - Field, garden)

인터페이스 - Interface

소시지 - A sausage

살라미 - Salami

닭 날개 튀김 - Chicken wings (닭 - Chicken, 날개 - Wings, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)

칠면조 가슴 구이 - (Grilled) Turkey breast (칠면조 - Turkey, 가슴 - Chest/breast, 굽다 - To roast, grill)

스폰지 - Sponge

두통 - A headache

욕조 - A bath/bathtub

해변 - Seashore, beach, coast

감자 튀김 - Fries (감자 - Potato, 튀기다 - To fry/deep-fry)
