#japanese words


they are both transualted into twilight in japanese but is the context for these different?





Next kanji for patreon: 試験 - exam (not at all foreshadowing for those preparing for the upcoming JLPT)

Eg. sentences:

試験が目前に迫った。The examination is near at hand.

志望者全員が試験に合格できるわけではない。Not all the candidates can pass the examination.

試験に受かるように真剣に勉強した。I studied really hard so as to pass the exam.

One of the radicals in the kanji is 馬 (うま) horse. Maybe just me but I always forget the stroke order for the beginning of that kanji

試 starts with the 言 radical and 験 starts with the 馬 radical. It’s easy to forget which kanji comes first in the word so we can remember it like “say horse”. If you say horse, it’s an exam~

Everyone do your best for the exam! ‘Say horse’!


The second and fourth character in this famous 4-character idiom are both 心, which means “heart”. This idiom refers to heart-to-heart communication; speaking without words.

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.” It is the Japanese business philosophy of continuously improving operations. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process.

The kaizen concept asserts that there is no perfect end. Everything can be improved upon, and all employees must strive to evolve and innovate constantly.

“Iki” is a Japanese aesthetic ideal. It refers to subtle elegance and sophistication.

One of the aspects of iki is caring about the sensibilities of others. What you wear should make others feel comfortable, and wearing stylish clothing is a way of respecting those around you.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t wear what you want, but neither does it mean that you can’t think about how your appearance affects others. Iki is somewhere in between. 

JLPT N1 Grammar - かたがた

Are you using it right??

でも seems like a great way to say “but” BUT… there’s a big but. There are politer (and more native-sounding) ways to say BUT. Learn about all the buts on this episode of Bunpogo!


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/ for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

JLPT N2 Grammar - いわゆる

Are you using it right??

This one’s hard to say but once you get the knack it’s a surefire way to demonstrate your Japanese is higher level.


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

JLPT N3 Grammar - きる

Are you using it right??

でも seems like a great way to say “but” BUT… there’s a big but. There are politer (and more native-sounding) ways to say BUT. Learn about all the buts on this episode of Bunpogo!


Welcome to Benkyogo!

In our ぶんぽうご Real Japanese Grammar series, Nani and Mani are deep diving into the textbook grammar required for the JLPT, throwing out the stuff you’ll never use, and teaching you how to speak authentically whilst expressing your own personality.

⭕️ You WILL:

- Understand grammar in real life context- Be told when and where to forget the BS - Get to listen to 2 random people free-talking about Japanese grammar

❌ You WON’T:

- Sound boring when talking to your Japanese friends - Say anything rude to your Japanese boss - Speak like you’re fresh outta your favourite anime

We don’t claim to be experts, we’re just 2 Japanese speakers (one native, one second language) chatting about the DO’s and DON’T’s of Japanese grammar in the 21st century. Keep up, textbooks!!


Check out https://benkyogo.co.uk/ for detailed hints, tips and resources to self-study Japanese.

⛩Check out our store at https://www.etsy.com/shop/benkyogo

japanesewords: 線香|せんこう|Incense stick


線香|せんこう|Incense stick

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japanesewords: 間もなく|まもなく|Shortly, soon


間もなく|まもなく|Shortly, soon

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蕾|つぼみ | (flower) bud

デンマーク| Denmark



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線香|せんこう|Incense stick

線香|せんこう|Incense stick

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間もなく|まもなく|Shortly, soon

間もなく|まもなく|Shortly, soon

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あなたが大切にしているものを守る。|Protect what you cherish.

あなたが大切にしているものを守る。|Protect what you cherish.

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贈りもの|おくりもの|A more formel way to say present than プレセント。

贈りもの|おくりもの|A more formel way to say present than プレセント。

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花吹雪|はなふぶき|Falling cherry blossoms

花吹雪|はなふぶき|Falling cherry blossoms

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焼き芋|やきいも|Roasted sweet potato

焼き芋|やきいも|Roasted sweet potato

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ダメ|No good

ダメ|No good

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いいと思い|いいとおもいます|I think it’s good.

いいと思い|いいとおもいます|I think it’s good.

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大掃除|おおそうじ | Spring cleaning 

大掃除|おおそうじ | Spring cleaning 

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建前|たてまえ|Face, official stance

建前|たてまえ|Face, official stance

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Today is National Cat Day in Japan. 22.2  今日は猫の日。

Today is National Cat Day in Japan. 22.2  


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淡い|あわい|Pale, i-adjective 

淡い|あわい|Pale, i-adjective 

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自分のペースで歩く | Walking at your own pace

自分のペースで歩く | Walking at your own pace

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#花の花束|はなたば|Spring bouquet

#花の花束|はなたば|Spring bouquet

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