

So, quitting happens because of missing plans, structure, goals and rewards.
I’ve been to Italy quite a few times (around 30 times to be honest) and I’ll be there in 2 months again. I want to make the best out of these 60 days, so I can use the language as much as possible. But first, I need a plan!

I should mention I’m not a fan of exact numbers like 10 minutes this, 40 minutes that, a 15 minutes break here. Simply because I never stick to it, then I’m getting frustrated, stop for the day, forget it on the next day, want to start new next week, don’t do that and quit it completely. Not just for learning languages, I’m just like that in general. If I want to start at 6 pm but start at 6.15 pm I’m already mad at myself. 


What are my resources?

  • Babbel - it doesn’t make as much fun as Duolingo, but I’m NOT going to use Duolingo. Like I said I want to get the most out of these 60 days and I like that Duolingo is fun but… it’s not really productive. First because the sentences are often non sense (what I usually like because it’s funny), second the progress is slow (the slowest I know) and even if you’re done with a tree you don’t really get far with it compared to the time you put in and where other apps get you with the same amount of time. Babbel is not nearly as cool as Duolingo because it’s way more like “sit down and learn this shit” but in the end this method is faster. I studied 2 different languages with Babbel and the structure (especially for grammar) is the best I know when it comes to apps / websites. 
  • Memrise - I think I don’t have to say much about it… build up vocab as fast as possible.
  • Beelinguapp - It’s an app with audio books. You choose your target language and a book. While reading it you listen to the audio version of it and if something is unclear you have the translation in your native language below.
  • Italienische Verben - a collection of Italian verbs and their conjugation. And if you didn’t notice by the name it’s a German app but I’m to 99,99% sure there is something like that in English (or other languages).
  • Habitica - a to do list in rpg style. Actually I use this anyway, even without learning a language haha ^^ but I’m a really competitive person and you can join guilds (groups for everything you can imagine), so I joined a few language learning guilds to attend challenges. There’s also a guild chat for exchange and many more things you can do. :)
    Warning: if you don’t do things on your to do list, your character will lose health. :p
  • Deezer and Pi Music Player - music players for… well I guess you know. 
  • Tandem - an app for language exchange, finding an exchange partner or even a teacher. If you click on “community” you see native speakers of your target language learning your native language. Already with the topic they want to talk about. You can decide between (video-) call or messaging them. Warning: you maybe have to wait to get in, because they want to keep it balanced between different countries. GIGANTIC plus point for girls: this way it’s impossible to get hardcore spammed by men from… specific countries asking you to marry them or who are sending you photos of their tiny wiener. I’m serious this app is PERFECT for girls. Almost all people are just there for language exchange and not to find a girl of the country they want to move to.
  • HelloTalk - also a nice language exchange app but I prefer Tandem.
  • Google Translate - well… duh. Why do I even mention it.


What are my study plans?

  • find a language exchange partner as friend (with Tandem and HelloTalk)
  • learn as much vocab as possible (with Babbel and mainly Memrise)
  • much practice of listening skills (Memrise for the native speaker option, Babbel for the dialogues between people at real life situations, Beelinguapp for audio books, Deezer and Pi Music for listening to music in Italian)
  • practice writing (Babbel, Memrise and chatting with native speakers on Tandem/HelloTalk)
  • practice speaking (a little bit with Memsie and Babbel but mainly with native speakers from Tandem and HelloTalk)
  • practice reading (Beelinguapp, chatting with native speakers on Tandem/HelloTalk, Babbel)
  • learn basic grammar (with Babbel)
  • study as much as I can do per day but at least 30 minutes every day NO MATTER how busy I am
  • have a small basic conversations with my language exchange partner (who will probably speak extra slowly and clearly, because they know your language level) after one month


What are my goals?

  • have small-talks with native speakers in Italy
  • get around without using German or English at all. The worst part about this will be that they always start speaking German or English with me (I guess I don’t look Italian at all but you can see my profile picture soooo yeah I don’t know) and I have to tell them to stop trying to have a normal conversation with me so I can make the situation awkward and hard to understand for everyone with my broken Italian. :D Embarrassing moments I’m coming for you!
  • set my smartphone on Italian and actually understand the most of it
  • get a diary and use it in Italian without a dictionary
  • live the language as much as I can (here is a post about what I mean)
  • find Italian friends
  • understand a few songs I like (going to learn a little bit vocab from my favourite songs to make it easier)
  • play a game like Sims and understand most of it (I wanted to use Skyrim but I guess everyday life vocab will be more easier to understand than the vocab about potions, killing dragons, magic spells, being a dragonborn, etc.)

In my last post about hello talk HERE

I discussed my experience with the app, all the useful phrases I had collected. From native speakers of the Chinese language. So I thought i’d compile another list, this time focusing on vocabulary around what the young people these days are using to text online, or say to each other!

So I was sick of being stuck behind my computer, learning and writing vocab, but not being able to talk to anyone in Chinese. I was looking around and thought i’d try this app called HELLO TALK. I’ve had it for two days so far! 

Essentially it connects you with someone across the world who has your target language in their mother tongue. And ideally you’d have their target language as your mother tongue. And the language exchange begins! 

Ofc there’s a bit of filtering to do, with people who aren’t willing to help you with your language and only want to speak in English. But once you find someone who has the same language learning goals as you it’s a matter of jumping straight into it. Try texting them in a mix of english/chinese and you can send back and forth voice memos to ask questions and improve eachother’s pronunciation :) 

Here is some key vocab points and some of the things I got asked and discussed from my language exchange with a guy from Beijing and a girl from Hainan and many others :) 

Even though there is a language translate function, it runs out after 15 goes if you have a free account. So I found myself forced to put things into google translate and look up things in the PLECO dictionary. Most, if not all of these sentences came from the native Chinese speakers on the app! So this is Chinese vocab in its most natural expression!



Asking your language partner to say things in English/Chinese 

1. Please say this sentence in English/Chinese


Qǐng yòng yīngwén/zhōngwén shuō zhè jù huà

Setting a timeframe for your language exchange 

1. Let’s talk for an hour! 

一小时久 我们说吧!

Yī xiǎoshí jiǔ wǒmen shuō ba!

久: particle for duration of time

2. Let’s talk for half an hour!


Bàn gè xiǎoshí jiǔ, ràng wǒmen liáo liáo ba!

3. I don’t have much time


Wǒ méiyǒu tài duō shíjiān

4. I have to go to sleep now


Wǒ xiànzài bìxū qù shuìjiàole

Even if you feel like you know some slang from watching movies or anime, here’s a list of some essential words that will come in handy when you’re in a group of Japanese people, especially kids or youth, although many people of a more finely-aged demographic can often be seen using these words too.

1.壁ドン(Kabe don):

“Kabe-don” is a situation where a boy corners a girl against the wall and places his hand on the wall in a way that traps her.「壁ドン」とは男子が女子を壁際に押し寄せて、彼女の逃げ場を失くすことです。

2.リア充 (Rea ju)

Mashing together the words “riaru (リアル/real)” and “juu (充/to fulfill),” this term describes someone who has a fulfilling experience in their day-to-day real life.




Just go blow yourselves up!

3.ワロタ (wa ro ta)

warota- slang for “I laughed.” In proper Japanese it would be waratta
wwww - the equivalent of lol. The person is laughing.ワロタとは、「笑った」という意味のインターネット用語です。



Are you kidding me? It’s so funny! lol

4.wktk・ワクテカ・わくてか (wa ku te ka)

Used to indicate excitement and eagerness in anticipation of something to come: “Can’t wait!”, “(I’m) so excited!”, “I look forward to it!”




I’m going to see a movie now.

I was too excited to sleep last night!

5.ググる (gu gu ru)

This is Japanese internet slang so it is mainly used in internet forums, means  "Search on Google"



I search on Google everything I found some words that I don’t know.

6.禿同 (ha ge doh)

Strong agreement.



A mark to show your disappointment  (o is head r is arm and body and z is legs kneeing ○| ̄|_)

跪き頭を垂れる(頽れる)姿をアルファベットで表した日本発祥のアスキーアートである。 失望、落胆や絶望の表現。「 がっくり」の意。「 o」が頭・「r」が腕と体・「z」が跪いた腰から下の脚を表す。


只今見事に彼女にフラれました orz

I just got dumped by my girlfriend orz.

8.乙 (otsu)

Thank you for your hard work.When you appreciate someone’s hard work.お疲れ様です。「おつかれさまでした」→「おつかれ」→「おつ」→「乙」と変化していったものなのです。使用例「乙でした!」Thank you for your hard work!



Thank you for your hard work!

Learning some Korean slang is a great way to boost your Korean skills. Not only does it help with your listening abilities, but it makes you sound more like a Korean local.

Friends will become closer, jokes will be easier to understand, and you’ll be able to follow Korean movies and songs better. Not bad for only learning a few phrases and words.

1.대박 Dae-bak

Most often used to express the idea of gaining a big fortune. An English equivalent may be “jack-pot” because this phrase is sometimes used in association with gambling. When someone opens a business, people will wish them “Dae-bak” by saying “대박나세요!” [dae bak na se yo!] It can be used to express both positive and negative emotional extreme.


2.행쇼 Haeng-syo

This phrase, popularized by Korea’s music/fashion/trend icon G-dragon, is a shorten word for 행복하십쇼 [haeng bok ha sip syo] which means “Be happy” in honorifics. It’s used to say goodbye – English equivalent would be “Peace”- or literally “Be happy”.


3.멘붕 Men-bung

It’s a shorten form of 멘탈붕괴 [men tal bung goe], which is a combination of the English word “mental” and the word 붕괴,which means to deconstruct. Mental here refers to the mental state of the person, and hence, Men Bung means to experience mental shock aka. OTL. It was first used amongst the Korean Starcraft players in 2011.


4.뭥미 Mwong-mi

Means “What the..”? It originates from the word 뭐임[mwo im], which means “What is it?” When you type 뭐임 quickly using the Korean keyboard, you often end up with 뭥미, which is how this word came about.


5.짱 Jjang

This is a common one that can be heard often!  It’s slang word that means ‘the best’ or 'top of top’ or just plain 'awesome’!


6.심쿵 Sim-Kung

This phrase is made up of two words that refer to the heart. Translated, it roughly means “heartthrob” and you can use it to refer to a huge crush.


7.금사빠 Geum-sa-bba

An abbreviated phrase that translates to “loves is the moment.” Use this to describe your friends that always falls in love the moment they see someone.


8.헐 Her

This exclamation is usually used after something shocking or surprising is said or seen. It’s really similar to “OMG” in English! You can also combine 헐 and 대박 as 헐대박 to express definitely awesome.


9.썸 Ssom

A noun used to describe that special “something” between two people who are not in relationship but have feelings for one another. There is “something” (썸)  between them. Btw, I want to recommend the song 'some’ to you guys.


10.당근 Dang-gun

This word, which literally means “carrot,” is used to mean “of course” because it sounds similar to the word for “당연하지?” You can say “당근이지?”  



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Every language has its own unique words created by cultural norms and even slang! Here are 10 Korean words cannot be translated to the English language.

                                             1 띠동갑 Ttee-dong-kap
Relating to the Chinese zodiac, this term describes someone of the same Zodiac sign as you. For example, someone born in 1993 (the Year of the Rooster) would have the same “ttee-dong-gap” as someone who were all born in 1981, another Year of the Rooster.


                                             2 촌/촌수 Chon/Chonsu
One of the most cherished elements of the Korean culture are family ties. These ties can literally be measured by “chon/chonsu,” which are basically a way of numerically measuring out these family ties. For example, the three ties between you and your uncle are you -> your parents -> your uncle. Thus, there are 3 “chons” between you and your uncle, so you will call your uncle as 삼촌(three chon).


                                                  3 한 Han
A cultural and historical concept that is often touted to be unique to Korea, “han” is the collective feeling of sadness and oppression. This is a cultural notion that can be attributed to Korea’s long history of attacks and invasions from other countries.


                                                4 내숭 Nae-soong
You may have experienced quite a few “nae-soongs” before. This term basically means someone “fake,” often describing a girl who acts in a cutesy or “likeable” away around others, especially guys, then reverts back to her normal self when they’re not around.


                                         5 얄미워 Yal-mi-wuh
This statement goes a step beyond the statement “I hate you” and is reserved for someone or something you truly detest or find irritating.  For example, someone might complain about not being able to gain weight while you’re on a diet and you’d go, “You’re so yal-mi-wuh.”


                                               6 눈치 Noon-chi
“Noon-chi” is the art of listening and staying in tune to someone else’s feelings, thoughts, and emotions to properly gauge and react to a situation. It takes a great deal of cunningness and people smarts to successfully do this.  When people say you don’t have “noon-chi,” it usually means you lack tact or observational skills.


                                             7 느끼하다 Neuk-kki-ha-da
This is an adjective that can describe food or people but has a slightly different meaning for both. When used to describe food, it’s describing a feeling and texture that’s greasy and oily, a taste you get sick of after while. However, when used for people, it almost means that they are “cheesy” or “sappy.”


                                  8 훈남 & 훈녀 Hoon-nam & Hoon-nyeo
“Hoon-nam” describes a man that’s both physically and innerly attractive (a.k.a the perfect man). For example, he may be a handsome hard-worker with a sweet and honest personality. The female equivalent of this term is “hoon-nyeo.”


                                             9 삐쳤어 Bbi-jeos-suh
This is the ultimate form of salty, almost childish sulking salty. Perfect for describing your mood when your parents don’t let you go to that K-pop concert on Friday night.


                                                10 재수없어 Jaesu upseo
재수 means luck, fortune. Saying someone has no 재수 doesn’t mean that person is unlucky (not in this context), it means interacting with that person is unpleasant to the point where it is comparable to stepping on a dog poop or getting splashed by a car.It can basically be translated to ‘it sucks’, but in some situations,it also means 'What an asshole’.




01 “I’m staying after school to revise.”*When my mom asked me why I come back late.*

02 "I wasn’t the only one who failed the test, everyone in the class did.“

03 "I need the computer for homework! No, I’m not on the Internet!”

04 “If you buy me this I won’t ask you for anything ever again!”

05 Mom asked: “who’s going?”
    *names all my friends that they like*

06 "I don’t feel good, can I stay home?“

07  "It’s not mine, it’s my friends.”

08 "My phone was dead / I didn’t have service.“ *When I have passed the call my parents made.*

09 "What happened to all your money?"“Uh unexpected school fees and textbooks.”

01  “It’s time for bed.” But actually, bedtime is in an hour.

02  The Ice Cream Truck Music means “They’re Sold Out”.

03  "We can’t have a cat because you’re allergic to them.”

04  “Every grain of rice left in your bowl is a year of bad luck.”

05 "7-Eleven was only open from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m., and that 7 p.m. was far too late to have a Slurpee.“

06 "If you swallow your gum, it will stay in your stomach for seven years.”

07 "Just eat it. It’s chicken!“

08  "I never would have done that when I was your age.”

09  "I’m leaving without you!“

What’s the funniest LIE between you and your parents? Do not forget to say Happy Mather’s day to your mom and give her a hug.


Whether you’d like to learn new words with photos, learn grammar or just want to get some tips, there’s something for you. These are the Tumblr blogs that provide introductions to language learning. 



http://studymorechinese.tumblr.com/ (updating stop)
http://chineseisawesome.com/  (updating stop)








http://www.everysinglewordinicelandic.com/  (updating stop)














General language

Continue to update

Trying to learn a second language? This list of amazing YouTube channels for learning languages and understanding their cultures will provide you with quality learning experiences and entertainment. Check out these channels to get started:

Senor Jordan
Agustin Iruela

Learn French with Pascal
Alexa Polidoro
Comme une Française
Francais avec Pierre

Street Smart Brazil
Learn Portuguese with PortuguesePod101.com
TheFunnyBrazilian Mau Scatolini

Tia Taylor
Learn Italian with Lucrezia
Dolce Vita

Rachel & Jun
Abroadin Japan
Learn Japanese From Zero!
That Japanese Man Yuta
Tae Kim
Micaela ミカエラ

Yangyang Cheng
Fiona Tian
Off the Great Wall
Learn Chinese Now

Conversational Korean
Learn Korean with GO! Billy Korean
Simon and Martina

Like France and Germany, Italy is among the European countries with a long and very rich film history. The great thing about Italian films is that even bad films are generally beautiful films.  

Life Is Beautiful (1997)La vita è bella
When an open-minded Jewish librarian and his son become victims of the Holocaust, he uses a perfect mixture of will, humor and imagination to protect his son from the dangers around their camp.
An unforgettable fable that proves love, family and imagination conquer all.

The Best of Youth (2003)—La meglio gioventù
An Italian epic that follows the lives of two brothers, from the 1960s to the 2000s.
“La Meglio Gioventù” is a hymn to Italy and the Italian people! It is their history and belongs to their culture. The story takes place on a period of 37 years, from 1966 to 2003, highlighting some momentous events of Italy, which molded in a way their spirit: the flooding in Florence in 1966, the terrorist fight in the ‘70s, the World Championship of 1982, the killing of Judge Falcone in 1992, and so on.

Cinema Paradiso (1988)—Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
A filmmaker recalls his childhood, when he fell in love with the movies at his village’s theater and formed a deep friendship with the theater’s projectionist.
The fill tells the celebration of youth, friendship, and the everlasting magic of the movies.

The Great Beauty (2013)—La grande bellezza
Jep Gambardella has seduced his way through the lavish nightlife of Rome for decades, but after his 65th birthday and a shock from the past, Jep looks past the nightclubs and parties to find a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty.

The Consequences of Love (2004)—Le conseguenze dell'amore
Titta di Girolamo apparently has a regular and tedious life with nothing strange a part from his own name (as he uses to say). He lives in a Hotel in Lugano (Switzerland) since almost ten years, spending his days waiting for something we don’t know. His life is too rigid, too detached following a flat routine. Titta ignore everyone and probably he has no emotions at all. Basically there is no story. But one day he decided, breaking all his personal rules, to exchange some words with Sofia, the hotel’s barmaid. Incredibly all the situation change, emotions, love, mafia, death come back violently into Titta’s life.

Malèna (2000)
On the day in 1940 that Italy enters the war, two things happen to the 12-year-old Renato: he gets his first bike, and he gets his first look at Malèna. She is a beautiful, silent outsider who’s moved to this Sicilian town to be with her husband, Nino. He promptly goes off to war, leaving her to the lustful eyes of the men and the sharp tongues of the women. During the next few years, as Renato grows toward manhood, he watches Malèna suffer and prove her mettle. He sees her loneliness, then grief when Nino is reported dead, the effects of slander on her relationship with her father, her poverty and search for work, and final humiliations. Will Renato learn courage from Malèna and stand up for her?

The Son’s Room (2001)——-La stanza del figlio
Giovanni is a successful psychoanalyst who has to put up with the seemingly endless string of trivial details his patients ramble on about. Yet his family provides a loving and steadfast foundation for his life that can even survive a problem like their son, Andrea, being accused of stealing a rare fossil in school. That foundation is profoundly rocked when Andrea dies in a scuba diving accident. Although the usual arrangements run smoothly, the emotional harm is profound. Giovanni begins to obsessively dwell on the missed chances he had with his son that might have saved his life, even blaming his patients. In addition , his wife is inconsulable and his daughter is becoming anti social in their loss. In the midst of this turmoil, a secret of their son’s life is revealed that provides healing in a way they never anticipated.

The Legend of 1900 (1998)—La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano
Shortly after the Second World War, Max, a transplanted American, visits an English pawnshop to sell his trumpet. The shopkeeper recognizes the tune Max plays as one on a wax master of an unreleased recording, discovered and restored from shards found in a piano salvaged from a cruise ship turned hospital ship, now slated for demolition. This chance discovery prompts a story from Max, which he relates both to the shopkeeper and later to the official responsible for the doomed vessel, for Max is a born storyteller. Though now down on his luck and disillusioned by his wartime experiences, the New Orleans-born Max was once an enthusiastic and gifted young jazz musician, whose longest gig was several years with the house band aboard the Virginian, a posh cruise ship. While gaining his sea legs, he was befriended by another young man, the pianist in the same band, whose long unlikely name was Danny Boodman T.D. Lemons 1900, though everyone just called him 1900, the year of his birth. …

If I missed any of your favorite Italian movies?  Leave a comment.

Watching foreign movies can benefit your language learning, with these movies, you can improve pronunciation, gain exposure to real French culture, train your ears, and simply have a good time. We put together a list of some highest rated French movies on IMDb.

Léon: The Professional (1994)—Léon
If you want the job done right, hire a professional.
A professional hitman, an innocent witness, a corrupt detective who went too far
A perfect assassin. An innocent girl. They have nothing left to lose except each other. He moves without sound. Kills without emotion. Disappears without trace. Only a 12 year old girl… knows his weakness.
He moves without sound. Kills without emotion. Disappears without trace.
Revenge is a tough game, even for a Professional (Australia)
You can’t stop what you can’t see.


The Lover (1992)—L'amant
She gave her innocence, her passion, her body. The one thing she couldn’t give was her love.
It is French Colonial Vietnam in 1929. A young French girl from a family that is having some monetary difficulties is returning to boarding school. She is alone on public transportation when she catches the eye of a wealthy Chinese businessman. He offers her a ride into town in the back of his chauffeured sedan, and sparks fly. Can the torrid affair that ensues between them overcome the class restrictions and social mores of that time?Based on the semi-autobiographical novel by Maugerite Duras.


The Last Metro (1980)—Le dernier métro
A story of love and conflict.
Paris, 1942. Lucas Steiner is a Jew and was compelled to leave the country. His wife Marion, an actress, directs the theater for him. She tries to keep the theater alive with a new play, and hires Bernard Granger for the leading role. But Lucas is actually hiding in the basement… A film about art and life.


The Big Blue (1988)—Le grand bleu 
Between what you know and what you wish, lies the secret of… The sea has a secret. 
Enzo and Jacques have known each other for a long time. Their friendship started in their childhood days in the Mediterranean. They were not real friends in these days, but there was something they both loved and used to do the whole day long: diving. One day Jacques’ father, who was a diver too, died in the Mediterranean sea. After that incident Enzo and Jacques lost contact. After several years, Enzo and Jacques had grown up, Johanna, a young clerk in a security office, has to go to Peru. There she meets Jacques who works for a group of scientists. He dives for some minutes into ice-cold water and the scientists monitor his physical state that is more like a dolphin’s than a human’s. Johanna can not believe what she sees and gets very interested in Jacques but she’s unable to get acquainted with him. Some weeks later, back in her office, she notices a championship for divers that is supposed to take place in Taormina, Italy. In order to see Jacques again she makes up a story so the …

Three Colors: White (1994)—Trois couleurs: Blanc
Karol (Polish) marries Domininque (French) and moves to Paris. The marriage breaks down and Dominique divorces Karol, forcing him into the life of a metro beggar and eventually back to Poland. However, he never forgets Dominique and while building a new life for himself in Warsaw he begins to plot…


Manon of the Spring (1986)—Manon des sources
In this, the sequel to Jean de Florette, Manon (Beart) has grown into a beautiful young shepherdess living in the idyllic Provencal countryside. She determines to take revenge upon the men responsible for the death of her father in the first film.


The Piano Teacher (2001)—La pianiste
Erika Kohut is a pianist, teaching music. Schubert and Schumann are her forte, but she’s not quite at concert level. She’s approaching middle age, living with her mother who is domineering then submissive; Erika is a victim then combative. With her students she is severe. She visits a sex shop to watch DVDs; she walks a drive-in theater to stare at couples having sex. Walter is a self-assured student with some musical talent; he auditions for her class and is forthright in his attraction to her. She responds coldly then demands he let her lead. Next she changes the game with a letter, inviting him into her fantasies. How will he respond; how does sex have power over our other faculties?


The Green Ray (1986)—Le rayon vert
Delphine’s traveling companion cancels two weeks before her holiday, so Delphine, a Parisian secretary, is at loose ends. She doesn’t want to travel by herself, but has no boyfriend and seems unable to meet new people. A friend takes her to Cherbourg; after a few days there, the weepy and self-pitying Delphine goes back to Paris. She tries the Alps, but returns the same day. Next, it’s the beach: once there, she chats with an outgoing Swede, a party girl, and a friendship seems to bud; then, suddenly, Delphine bolts, heading back to Paris. As she waits at the Biarritz train station, a young man catches her eye; perhaps a sunset and the sun’s green ray await.


The Lovers on the Bridge (1991) —Les amants du Pont-Neuf
Set against Paris’ oldest bridge, the Pont Neuf, while it was closed for repairs, this film is a love story between two young vagrants: Alex, a would be circus performer addicted to alcohol and sedatives and Michele, a painter driven to a life on the streets because of a failed relationship and an affliction which is slowly turning her blind. The film portrays the harsh existence of the homeless as Alex, Michele and Hans, an older vagrant survive on the streets with their wits. As they both slowly get their lives back together, Michele becomes increasingly dependent on Alex as her vision deteriorates further. Fearing that Michele will leave him if she receives a new medical treatment Alex attempts to keep Michele practically a prisoner. The streets, skies and waterways of Paris are used as a backdrop to the story in a series of stunning visuals which dominate the film.


Hello again! What could be better than singing along to a great song and at the same time practicing some of your SPANISH, here we share some of our favorite Spanish songs.

Enrique Iglesias—Dimelo
Dímelo suave, dímelo fuerte
Dímelo fuerte, dímelo suave
Dímelo por fin de una vez
Me gusta de ti, lo mucho que me gustas
Y que poco me perdono yo de mí
No tenemos nada que perder
Y tenemos demasiado que vivir

Como aguja en un pajar
Te busque sin cesar
Como huella en el mar
Tan dificil de hayar
Tanto tiempo busque
Pero al fin te encontre
Tan perfecta como te imagine

Alex Ubago—Sin Miedo a Nada
Me muero por conocerte saber qué es lo que piensas
abrir todas tus puertas y vencer esas tormentas
que nos quieran abatir centrar en tus ojos mi mirada
cantar contigo al alba
besarnos hasta desgastarnos nuestros labios
y ver en tu rostro cada día crecer esa semilla
crear, soñar, dejar todo surgir aparcando el miedo a sufrir.

Shakira ft. Gustavo Cerati—No
No se puede morir con tanto veneno,
No se puede dedicar el alma
A acumular intentos
Pesa más la rabia que el cement

Bebe—Siempre Me Quedara
Siempre me quedará
la voz suave del mar,
volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.
En la voz suave del mar,
en volver a respirar la lluvia que caerá
sobre este cuerpo y mojará
la flor que crece en mi,
y volver a reír
y cada día un instante volver a pensar en ti.

Pablo Alboran ft. Jesse & Joy—Donde Está El Amor
No hace falta que me quites la mirada
para que entienda que ya no queda nada
Aquella luna que antes nos bailaba
se ha cansado y ahora nos da la espalda
Dónde está el amor del que tanto hablan?
Por qué no nos sorprende y rompe nuestra calma?

Jueves—La Oreja de Van Gogh      
Si fuera más guapa y un poco más lista
Si fuera especial, si fuera de revista
Tendría el valor de cruzar el vagón
Y preguntarte quién eres.
Te sientas en frente y ni te imaginas
Que llevo por ti mi falta más bonita.
Y al verte lanzar un bostezo al cristal
Se inundan mis pupilas.
De pronto me miras, te miro y suspiras
Yo cierro los ojos, tú apartas la vista
Apenas respiro me hago pequeñita
Y me pongo a temblar
Y así pasan los días, de lunes a viernes
Como las golondrinas del poema de Bécquer
De estación a estación enfrente tú y yo
Va y viene el silencio.

Jeanette—Por Qué Te Vas
Hoy en mi ventana brilla el sol
Y el corazon
Se pone triste
Contemplando la ciudad
Porque te vas
Como cada noche desperte
Pensando en ti
Y en mi reloj todas las horas vi pasar
Porque te vas
Todas las promesas de mi amor
Se iran contigo
Me olvidaras me olividaras
Junto a la estacion hoy
Llorare igual que un nino

La Oreja de Van Gogh—Rosas
En un día de estos en que suelo pensar
“ hoy va a ser el día menos pensado”,
nos hemos cruzado, has decidido mirar,
a los ojitos azules que ahora van a tu lado
Desde el momento en el que te conocí
resumiendo con prisas tiempo de silencio
te juro que a nadie le he vuelto a decir
que tenemos el récord del mundo en querernos.
Por eso esperaba con la carita empapada
a que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí,
porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosas
que no importa si es muy tonto, soy así.
y aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vida
imaginando que vuelves a pasarte por aquí,
donde los viernes cada tarde, como siempre,
la esperanza dice “quieta, hoy quizás sí…”

Alejandro Sanz - Cuando Nadie Me Ve
A veces me elevo, doy mil volteretas
A veces me encierro tras puertas abiertas
A veces te cuento porque este silencio
Y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces del viento
A veces de un hilo y a veces de un ciento
Y hay veces, mi vida, te juro que pienso
¿Por que es tan difícil sentir como siento?
Sentir, como siento, que sea difícil


Listening to music in a foreign language is a great way to learn vocabulary, here are some of our favorite songs. If you want to share with us your favorite song, tell us it via FacebookandTwitter.

Jeff Bernat— Call You Mine
I call you my own and can I call you my lover

Dido— Life For Rent 
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
But if my life is for rent and I don’t learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get 

Dido — No freedom
Wherever I chose to go
no love without freedom 

Pink Floyd— Wish You Were Here
How i wish, how i wish you were
We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year

Amy Diamond— Heartbeats
Please don’t let me go
I just wanna stay
Can’t you feel my heartbeats
giving me away

Adam Lambert— What you Want From Me
Just don’t give up,
I’m working it out.
Please don’t give in,
I won’t let you done

James Blunt— If Time Is All I Have
When you’re older the memories fade but I know I’ll still feel the same for as long as I live. But if time is all I have, I’ll waste it all on you.

Lady Antebellum— Just A Kiss
just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
just a touch in the fire burning so bright”

Kenny Rogers— Lady
for so many years
I thought I’d never find you.
You have come into my life
and made me whole.

Passenger— Let Her Go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missin’ home
Only know you love her when you let her go

Kate Havnevik— Think Again
Only you,I wanna be in love with you,
I don’t wanna get over you,
I want you here
Summer is coming to a close,dreaming’s over once again
,It’s still quiet in this town,
I know where thing has to end ,
and I,I’m not to see you.

The Script — Hall Of Fame
You could be the greatest,
you can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You could beat the world,
you could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on His door

Onerepublic — If I Lose Myself
I stand up at the sun
Thought of all the people, places and things I’ve loved
I stand up just to see with of all the faces,
you are the one next to me”

Lady Gaga — till it happens to you
Till it happens to you
You don’t know how it feels
Till it happens to you
You won’t know
It won’t be real

Justin Timberlake feat Carey Mulligan — Five Hundred Miles

If you missed the train I’m on you will know that I an gone
You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
