#he said the thing


He said the thing!

As the police and army forces close in, Mayor Hirokawa makes a speech.

It’s worth noting here that the regular word for “parasite” in Japanese is 寄生虫 (kiseichuu), where that last part is “chuu” meaning “insect.” But the title of this manga series is 寄生獣 (kiseijuu), where that last part is “juu” meaning “beast” (it’s the same “juu” as in kaijuu). Hence, one reason the English uses the spelling “Parasyte” for the title.

Throughout the story, the “parasytes” refer to themselves as 寄生生物 (kisei seibutsu), parasites, or “parasitic living beings.” 

It’s in his final speech where the Mayor highlights the issue. He says that humans are parasites (寄生虫) devouring the world. Then he corrects himself: いや。。。寄生獣か (iya, kiseijuu ka), “no, parasitic beasts (or “parasytes”).” And here, in case you hadn’t already caught on, we get the revelation that it’s the humans that are the “parasytes,” the parasitic beasts.
