

If you want to travel anywhere in the world for free and meanwhile practise your language skills with native speakers, this website is for you. 
TalkTalkBnb combines travel and languages to give you the opportunity to learn a language while traveling and meeting new people, totally for free.

Oh, and you can host native speakers of the language of your choice for a full immersion at home!


On this website you can read Grimms’ fairy tales in 18 different languages! (English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Dutch, Danish, Romanian, Finnish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish and Hungarian)




Aikana- During

Aina- Always

Asia(t) - Thing(s)

Asti- Until

Ehkä- Maybe

Ei koskaan,Ei ikinä - Never

Ei mitään - Nothing

Että- That (conj.)

Ja- And

Jo- Already

Jos- If

Joskus- Sometimes

Koska- Because

Liian- Too (overly)

Mutta,Mut(colloq.) - But

Myös- Also, Too

Niin- So

Nyt- Now

Paljon- Much

Pian- Soon

Siis- So, Therefore

Tämä|Tuo- This | That

Tässä, Täällä | Tuossa, Tuolla - Here | There

Tai,Vai- Or

Taas- Again

Usein- Often

Vain- Only, Just


Minun- my
Sinun - your
Hänen- his, her
Sen - its
Meidän - our
Teidän - your
Heidän - their (plural of “hänen”)
Niiden - their (plural of “sen”)


Minun- my
Sinun - your
Hänen- his, her
Sen - its
Meidän - our
Teidän - your
Heidän - their (plural of “hänen”)
Niiden - their (plural of “sen”)


fun fact: In Finland we have a nickname for duct tape. We call it jeesusteippiorjesari which literally means “Jesus tape”

because it does miracles.


Literally “Skull weather”

When the roads get extremely slippery due to black ice on them and/or visibility is poor.


Kuka kissan hännän nostaa, ellei kissa itse?
”Who will raise the cat’s tail if not the cat itself?“
Nobody but you should show your skills or make yourself proud.

Kattia kanssa!
“And a cat too!”
That’s a lie!

Ei auta itku markkinoilla
”It’s no use crying on a marketplace”
Feeling strong emotions isn’t a good thing in the hard word. You don’t always get what you want and even crying wont help it.

Ken kuuseen kurkottaa, se katajaan kapsahtaa
”Reaching for a spruce, one falls on a junipe”
Don’t aim too high in your life, you will just regret it.

Katosi kuin pieru Saharaan
“Disappeared like a fart in Sahara”
Something is gone for good

Eteenpäin, sanoi mummo lumessa
“Forward, said a grandma in the snow”
You should always go forward no matter of your age or the weather

Olisihan vintillä leipää, mutta lapset söi rappuset
“There is bread in the attic but children ate the stairs.”
You could’ve achieved something but some stupid mistakes ruined the whole thing or you just waited for too long.

Kaikkeen tottuu paitsi jääpuikkoon perseessä ja sekin sulaa pois
“You can get used to anything but an ice stick in your ass and even that will eventually melt away”
Nothing is so bad you can’t get used to it and the worst things will go away.

Kyllä sopu sijaa antaa ja rakkaus reisiä levittää
”There’s always room for peace and love spreads legs”
It’s always easier to be with people peacefully and it’s easier to get laid if you’re in love.

Ei voi kauhalla vaatia, kun on lusikalla annettu
“You cannot demand with a ladle when you’ve been given with spoon”
You cannot expect a stupid person to think wisely.

useless-finlandfacts: laundry boys

Verb of the day: väistää

väistää = to give way (such as in traffic), to get out of the way, move, dodge, avoid, evade, etc.

This verb seems to be used with the partitive form!


Autoilijan pitää väistää pyöräilijää. = The driver must give way to the cyclist.

Väistin hirveä ja menetin auton hallinnan. = I dodged a moose ja lost control of the car.

Verb of the day: ajoittua

ajoittua = to be dated (to certain time)

-used with the “mihin” form

Ennen tätä vuotta alueen koronapotilasennätykset ajoittuvat joulukuuhun 2020. = Before this year the area’s record corona patient numbers occurred in December 2020.

Hankkeen seuraava pääetappi ajoittuu vuodenvaihteeseen. = The project’s next main stage is to be timed at the start of next (literally: the change of the year).

Verb of the day: kikattaa

kikattaa = to giggle

Hän kikatti kuin lapsi. = He giggled like a child.

Verb of the day: suitsia

suitsia = to rein in, to bring under control (figurative)

Tautitilanteen suitsimiseksi tarvitaan nyt lisätoimia. = More actions are needed to bring the situation with the disease under control.

Note literally: suitsia = to rein a horse in, to bridle

Verb of the day: koittaa

koittaa = to break, to dawn (i.e. a new day breaks, or a new era dawns)


Taas on uusi päivä koittanut. = Again a new day has broken.

Uusi vuosikymmen koittaa. = A new decade dawns.

“koittaa” is very often used as a colloquial version of “koettaa” meaning “to try”, “to attempt to”, “to test out”

Minä koetan tehdä paremmin. = I will try to do better.

-> Mä koitan tehdä paremmin.

Koeta kestää. = Try to cope.

-> Koita kestää.

Verb of the day: hoputtaa

hoputtaa = to [make something/one] hurry up [trans], for example: to hurry someone along, to try to make them speed up


Asiakas yritti hoputtaa minua, kun hänellä oli selvästi kiire. = The customer tried to hurry me up, since he was clearly in a hurry.

särähtää korvaan” = literally translated ‘to crackle or buzz into one’s ear’ but actually this is used only “metaphorically” to mean something has really stuck in your mind, caught your attention or is “ringing” in your ears.


Pikkupojan viaton kysymys särähti pahasti muiden korvaan. = The little boys innocent question really caught the attention of others (i.e. it probably didn’t sound so innocent to others…)

“heittää kirveensä kaivoon” = to give up (literally: to throw one’s ax in the well)

“olla sujut” = to be even (no longer in debt to someone)

Olemmeko nyt sujut? = Are we even now?

New verbs 4.4.2022

rimpuilla = to wriggle

rykäistä = to clear one’s throat

rohmuta = to take a lot for oneself

romuttaa = to scrap, to wreck

revähtää = to tear a muscle

havaita = to observe, to detect

Henkilökunnassa havaitsin, ettei kukaan ollut töissä pelkästään rahan motivoimana. = Within the staff I observed that no one was working only with the motivation of money.

huomata = to notice

Huomasin, että hän oli todella väsynyt. = I noticed that he was really tired.

huomauttaa = to point out, to remark on [or in some contexts “to give a formal notice regarding”]

Hänhuomautti sen jo. = He pointed it outalready.

huomioida = to take into consideration

Miten voidaan huomioida ongelma jatkossa? = How can we take the problem into account going forward?

havainnoida = to observe

Tulevina öinä on otollista havainnoida meteoriparvea. = The coming nights are ideal for observing the meteor shower.
