


Euripides, tr. by Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides


Jason, having seen Medea kill and dismember her brother and also kill Pelias for him: Probably I can just divorce her

Τους πόνους γαρ αγαθοί τολμώσι, δειλοί δ’ εισίν ουδέν ουδαμού.- Euripides, Iphigeneia in TaurisThe b

Τους πόνους γαρ αγαθοί τολμώσι, δειλοί δ’ εισίν ουδέν ουδαμού.

- Euripides, Iphigeneia in Tauris

The brave will dare the effort (of war), cowards are nothing nowhere.

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Thinking a lot about Euripides’ Ionlately| insta @readingancientclassics
Brian de Palma’s 1970 film of Richard Schechner’s DIONYSUS IN 69, adapted from Euripides

Brian de Palma’s 1970 film of Richard Schechner’s DIONYSUS IN 69, adapted from Euripides’ “The Bacchae”, can be seen here

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Someone is taking, is taking me (don’t you see him?) away to the court of the dead. It is winged Hades, glowering from beneath his dark brows. What do you want? Let me go! Ah, what a journey it is that I, unhappiest of women, am making!”

EuripidesAlc. 259-263, trans. David Kovacs

A girl from Thrace who died at the age of twenty in the influenza epidemic of 1917 was heard to shout out, an hour before she died, “There he is! A young man is coming with a spear to cut me up! Bring me the long knife. He is going to slaughter me.” She then engaged in an imaginary but fierce fight.

The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition by Margaret Aleixou, 37-38.

medea eugene delacroix


eugene delacroix

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vision of medea jmw turner read yo euripides kids

vision of medea

jmw turner

read yo euripides kids

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Signs as Euripides’ tragedies

Aries: Heracles

Taurus: Iphigenia in Taurus (lol)

Gemini: Hecuba

Cancer: Hyppolytus

Leo: Orestes

Virgo: The Suppliants

Libra: Alcestis

Scorpio: Electra

Sagittarius: Andromache

Capricorn: Ion

Aquarius: The Bacchae

Pisces: Medea

I love how Ancient Greek philosophers were basically all sporty buff wrestling guys. Modern philosophers are unathletic dweebs for the most part… I want to see them wrestle… Bring back big buff bicep philosophy!!!

Oops, looks like someone had her dragons eat today’s page!<< Previous || Start Reading || Next

Oops, looks like someone had her dragons eat today’s page!

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand for this chapter too the publication stops here!
Thank you to everyone who stayed with us in this most relaxing and quiet chapter with the unofficial title of “Arja and Marty, Dream Home Demolitions” (cit.), we really enjoyed reading and replying to all your comments! Speaking of which, if you have any theory, question, so on and so forth… COME HITHER LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND WHOMEVER FEELS IN BETWEEN, we can’t wait to hear your opinions, know where do you think we’re going from here!
Spoiler: next chapter will be full of deities.

And what about the end of the chapter? Worry not: unfortunately we have no good news to spare for what concerns online shops… BUT, we did find a solution, and we’re working on that right now. You’ll know everything in the next few weeks, hopefully. We won’t leave you alone. :)
The tightest hug, see you soon with wips, and we recommend everyone to stay away from hubris!

In the meanwhile, if you want to read again or get on track with some things you may have missed, you can check…

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Euripides, tr. by Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides

“I’ll take care of you.”

“That’s rotten work.”

“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”

-Pylades & Orestes in Euripides
