#depeche mode

My new blog about Depeche Mode http://little-girl-in-black-dress.tumblr.com I’ve got 0 followers the

My new blog about Depeche Mode


I’ve got 0 followers there..Follow me,I’ll follow back! I must grow up

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Hellooooo I fell in love with this band,Depeche Mode. I’ve some edits of it,but this is a blog


I fell in love with this band,Depeche Mode.

I’ve some edits of it,but this is a blog about Duran Duran…

So,tell me if you want DM edits too!

Follow me on instagram @sabrinanjtaylor

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NO CHEATING: You’re starring in a movie with the last person saved in your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. Who/what is it?

thank you for the tag @https-stay

tagging: anyone who wants to play along!

Thank you for the tag @princessmisery666♥️

I wanna write this Bucky fic… an angsty piece of enemies that fuck

What have you got @jobean12-blog@maladaptivexxdaydreaming@beelicious-barnes@drabblewithfrannybarnes@n00t-no0t ? And anyone else that wants to share

Thank you for tagging me @firefly-in-darkness

Ransom’s definitely got some Big Energy

No pressure tagging: @chrissquares@sweater-daddiesdumbdork@holacia2@lookiamtrying@sconnie-doesnt-know@navybrat817@thecornerlot@sidepartskinnyjeans@ghotifishreads

@drabblewithfrannybarnes thanks for the fun tag! I’d definitely watch your Ransom movie

Tommy Shelby with a Harry Styles soundtrack??

This song is especially sweet so I’m feeling some soft, loving Tommy vibes

Fun tags: @sweater-daddiesdumbdork@sunshinebuckybarnes@knifevsstageprop@retromafia@runnning-outof-time@gretelshelby@mariestark@pagesoflauren

@holacia2 thanks for the tag! ☺️

I was scrolling through my camera roll and it came to my attention that I don’t have many pictures of people saved there … so I hope this screenshot of a recommended Harry Styles performance counts lol …. and if we’re looking at people in the picture, I guess Andrew Garfield is starring in the movie to, which I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to

And this is just a vibe of a song, so I think it’s gonna be a good movie all around.

Tagging (no pressure to join): @look-at-the-soul@magicalxdaydream@peakyswift@retromafia@alreadybroken-ts@agrayshade@mrs-gray

Thank you for tagging me @runnning-outof-time

Okay, so this is perfect I think. Benedict is my favourite and I’m in love with this song!!!!


thanks for the tag!

i wouldnt mind


Hell yes, I’m down for this!!

No pressure tags: @laurfilijames@i-did-not-mean-to@the-butterfly-blues@midearthwritings@self-conscious-author@erosofthepen@blueberryrock@i-am-still-bb@sketch-and-write-lover

I very much accept this

Tagging (no pressure!): @linasofia@lathalea@middleearthpixie@midearthwritings@the-poldarkian@enchantzz@guardianofrivendell@legolaslovely@fandomfaeryreads and anyone else who is interested!

I swear @laurfilijames I am NOT cheating

I just can’t get enough of Aidan apparently

Tagging anyone who wants to play

dave gahan icons for twitter with psd :)

•like/reblog if you save pls

Fura álmaim, végtelenedik rész

Tegnapelőtt a Depeche Mode-ról álmodtam, ami önmagában is egész érdekes ahhoz képest, hogy szeretem a zenéjüket, de nem vagyok mode-os.

Na szóval, egy angol TV-csatorna reggeli avagy ‘reggeli’ műsorában (9 körül) szerepeltek és az idővonal is furcsa volt, mert a jelenben játszódott, de a srácok fiatalabbak voltak. Nem annyira, mint a lenti klipben, de észlelhetően nem 2022-es valójukban.

A műsorvezető nagy mókamiki volt, jól elhülyéskedtek zenekarral, DE, volt egy lényeges másik téma: az időjárás, azon belül a csapadék. Jó, mondhatjátok, ez ANGLIA, itt mindig esik és az emberek mindig arról beszélgetnek, hogy már megint esik. DE: a klímaváltozás tükrében került szóba a csapadékjárás, és hogy egészen extrémen ingadozhat. Tehát komoly téma, mégis igyekeztek könnyed hangvételt tartani. És most jön a bizarr rész.

Fontos, hogy ez egy olyan csatorna, amit az egész világon lehet fogni és nagyon népszerű is. Szóval megkérték a nézőket, telefonáljanak be és mondják be, hogy éppen esik-e náluk és ha igen, mennyire. És a műsorvezető elkezdte böködni a DM valamelyik tagját pálcikákkal, amiknek a végén labdák voltak (többféle szett volt, az egyik végén pl. nem is labdák, hanem gömbszerű fehér virágzat, talán hortenzia), és minél jobban esett az eső, annál erősebben és figurázva táncikáltatta a labdákat!! És ez álmomban VALAMIÉRT KURVA VICCES VOLT MINDENKINEK, a műsorvezető, a zenekar, a közönség, a betelefonáló, de még a családom és én is, mindenki SZAKADT a röhögéstől, pedig álmon kívül ez… természetesen abszolút krindzs* és wtf. Talán, talán az lehet az asszociáció, hogy női melleket jelképeznek a labdák és így mintegy a termékenységgel hozzák össze a csapadékmennyiséget - DE, most jön a csavar: nem kettő, hanem mindig három labdát riszáltak, szóval… nem értem. ¯\_(0.o)_/¯

Az álomnak még annyi függeléke van, hogy valaki jelentkezett Magyarországról is, méghozzá a megyénkből, hozzánk viszonylag közel és azt mondta, ömlik az eső. Persze hatalmas ováció, jól kiröhögtük magunkat, de aztán kapcsoltam, hogy “hé, nálunk nem is esik”, de mikor kinéztünk az ablakon, azt láttuk, dehogynem - a végeláthatatlan szántók felett függönyként suhogott az eső. (Na ez is a valóság eltúlzása, a házunk ablaka tényleg szántóra néz, de az zsebkendőnyi.)

Valószínűleg a sokadik aszályos tavasz miatti szorongásom nyilvánult meg, de. miért. ÍGY.

És akkor a zenei illusztráció, egyik kedvenc Depeche Mode számom:

*túdom-túdom… az angol szavak beépülése az igazi KRINDZS (de a 'kínos’ is jó szó, csak valahogy nem elég ide).


they should teach bald eagles to be addicted to cigarettes and listen to depeche mode

Playlist-posters // Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence

Playlist-posters // Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence

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© Linda Meijer a. k. a. Angelinda a. k. a. @butwhatgoodwoulddrugsbe

I just want to make clear that:

  • I haven’t made any fake Facebook accounts (since 2017) as far as I remember;
  • I don’t have any Excel files on my computer at all - I don’t understand how to work with them, lol;
  • I post very slowly, because in contradiction to Linda Meijer I’m not able to be online 24/7 and I post when I’m in the mood;
  • Yes, some dates I’ve found in DMCPAV Facebook group and saved them, but only someof them. Not everything that posted is taken exactly from DMCPAV. There are many other ways to find the info.

From day one I didn’t want to post anything. I’m not a public person. When I have sent the request to this group, I just wanted to have access to info/photos and videos for myself – not for sharing.Only after I was blockedtwicefor absolutely no reason I started to share something. Tiny bits compared to DMCPAV archive. I didn’t break any rules of the community, but they blocked me. The first time immediately after they accepted me. What have I done in 5 seconds? Jeez.

I do not arrogate the work of other people. Yes, I have shared something. I’m not the only one who did that.

Besides that I find a lot of info/photos and videos by myself.

I’m not doing it for likes/reposts/popularity. I do it for the young fans like me who:

  • weren’t even born in the 80s, for example (like me);
  • aren’t able go to the concerts and traveling with the band – and it’s not only because of money (like me);
  • aren’t able to buy merch or books, because they are living too far where even Visa/Mastercard/Paypal not available (like me);
  • who want to know everything about the band (like me);
  • for those, who want the most reliable info. DMCPAV is that kind of community, which could provide that. Unfortunately the community is closed. It really makes me sad that verified info, wonderful photos and videos won’t be seen by other fans.

That’s why I did what I did. I’ve made a mistake and I’m sorry. Please accept my apologies.

This is not my first fandom, btw. Before there were at least 5 serious fandoms. And in each and one of them people share rarities, facts, collect money to buy rare content (photos and videos). Why in this fandom nothing like this?

Linda Meijer and other DMCPAV admins have never personally talked to me on this topic.

I accepted the fact that I’ve been blocked a long time ago.

So I would highly appreciated if she stop witch-hunting.


“We uploaded this photo in our group in April 2018” - Not in April 2018. That person on VK posted it in April 2018. And you uploaded this photo in your group in 2017. Fact. Don’t try to provoke me, please. Maybe you re-uploaded it later. Not my problem.

“It is true that since January 2018, you have been searching pics+info by yourself” - I have been doing it even before January 2018.

“if people only want to observe our group, then they are welcome to join” - I think you are lying / downplaying, because since day one you blocked me for nothing. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t start posting all these photos and info.

“I sort of “revealed” my Tumblr name” - I knew who you were long before that. It wasn’t a big secret.

“I think this is your latest fake Facebook account BTW, with which you have been in our group for the past two weeks: https://www.facebook.com/opal.info” - I don’t know what sources you use, which make you think that this is my so-called fake page. It’s definetely not my page, not my fake page, I don’t know who Jil Johnson is, etc.

I posted this photo in August 2019, edited info in August (a f t er your comment) 2019, not in September 2019/October 2019/the past two weeks.



You say “it’s up to me”? Then why are you attacking me now? I didn’t post any info, which firstly appeared in DMCPAV group in 2018 or 2019. You need to remember better what and when you uploaded/re-uploaded before accusing people. And I was an observer for 10 month of 2016 only in your imagination.

We both know that in 2016 I wasn’t in DMCPAV. Also we both know that “Jill Johnson” isn’t my “fake account”. What even “a number of odd things about this Facebook account Jill Johnson” you are talking about?

I’ve posted almost everything that took from the group in 2017.

Anyway, here’s the story.

In 2016 I was more oriented on VK communities Depeche Mode NewsandDave Gahan Forums.I had no idea about your existence, till that moment when Depeche Mode News mentioned DMCPAV (here, for example: https://vk.com/wall-52768949_13000). I send a request to your group on the 1st of March 2017 (perhaps on the 28th of February). I was banned on the 1st of March 2017. I wasn’t there even for 5 seconds as I mentioned earlier. Maybe I wasn’t banned exactly by you, maybe by Andy McMinn or any of the other admins. It’s not really the case. I thought then: “Maybe my account does not meet some of your requirements? [Don’t know which… besides DM on my account was a couple of topics…] Ok.”

Later on the 25th of March 2017Depeche Mode News posted your video: https://vk.com/wall-52768949_18438. In that moment I decided to enter DMCPAV again. I found out that there are true professionals who publish the most full and checked info. And that’s what I needed as a young fan. I needed some education on the topic (not myths, which Internet and books (partly) is full of). That’s why I’ve decided to make another “proper” account. I sent the request to DMCPAV on the 29th (28th?) of June 2017. On the 29th of June 2017 I was blocked. A couple of hours I was just an observer on the moment of the second entry. You did not find it necessary to inform me what I did wrong. You just commented with the links to my private accounts on other social networks. ??? Only after this unfair moment I reacted emotionally and posted some photos giving a credit to DMCPAV. I didn’t plan to start a blog “Today in DM History”,Because on the 29th of June 2017 I didn’t save any information - I was banned very fast (couple of hours later), lol.  If I posted some dates in the period of June to August that was dates of that time concerts, which was impossible not to know. Later I edited the info of old posts with DMCPAV photos. With a help of some dates and info which I saved from your community. In 2018 I decided to correct some info of those photos which other people leaked, yes. I think it deserved to be done. In admiration of your work. I mean, I indicate the source and info,I specify that photos not one of mine or one of those who leaked them. Sometimes I don’t have enough energy or time, so I edit submission after the post was created. You know, you can edit posts on Tumblr as many times as you like.

So, in my DMCPAV story wasn’t a 10 month of observation.

The end.

You made a mistake. Or make fun of me because you know this whole story so well.

I checked your Tumblr daily because:

1. There was a precedentalready[here] when you posted a couple of private accounts on social networks behind people’s backs. This is unacceptable. There wasn’t any of DMCPAV content. Of course I keep an eye on you.

2. From time to time you’ve posted interesting DM-related content, which I reblogged, when it was possible.

Your worries understandable. But this is too much.

I apologized. I admitted I was wrong. I don’t steal your last money or food. I know that some info (magazines, for example) costs money, but at the same time you’ve posted them on DMTVArchives for free.

I give a credit. I indicate the sources.

Yes, I was in your group a couple of times during 2017. But not in 2016. Not in 2018. Not in 2019. Facts.

I don’t have a desire to post anything DM-related anymore.

depechemodespiritera: Oct 08, 2017 – San Jose, California – SAP Center 


Oct 08, 2017 – San Jose, California – SAP Center 

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 Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983) Photo © imago images / teutopressSource: imago-image

Depeche Mode, IFA Berlin, Germany (02/09/1983)
Photo © imago images / teutopress
Source: imago-images.dedepecheymode (scan by Sabu); Riccardo Martínez //APA-PictureDesk

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Martin Gore with a fan, Washington, DC, USA (11/11/1998) Tonya:  April 1999 saw @depechemode then hu

Martin Gore with a fan, Washington, DC, USA (11/11/1998)


  April 1999 saw @depechemode then hung out that night with Martin Gore and Andrew Fletcher singing old motown songs around a piano.

Photo © Tonya
Source: twitter.com/Foxy311

Edited by me.

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 Alan Wilder, Montreux (26/05/1987) Photo © ?Source: jumijumijumiEdited by me.

Alan Wilder, Montreux (26/05/1987)
Photo © ?

Edited by me.
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mimupapi: Koh Hasebe (Hiroshi Hasebe) 「ROCK STARS WILL ALWAYS LOVE JAPAN」 page 54


Koh Hasebe (Hiroshi Hasebe)
page 54

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 Martin Gore, Berlin, Germany (31/08/1987)Photo © imago images/BRIGANI-ART Source: imago-images.de

Martin Gore, Berlin, Germany (31/08/1987)
Photo © imago images/BRIGANI-ART
Source: imago-images.de

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Dave Gahan, Cannes, France/Pietra Ligure, Italy (05/08/1986)Photo © Tim Bauer/RelnaSource: 44spill E

Dave Gahan, Cannes, France/Pietra Ligure, Italy (05/08/1986)
Photo © Tim Bauer/Relna
Source: 44spill

Edited by me.

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Dave Gahan, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany (03/12/1984)Photo © imago images / BRIGANI-ARTSource: Dave Gahan, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany (03/12/1984)Photo © imago images / BRIGANI-ARTSource: Dave Gahan, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany (03/12/1984)Photo © imago images / BRIGANI-ARTSource: 

Dave Gahan, Deutschlandhalle, Berlin, Germany (03/12/1984)
Photo © imago images / BRIGANI-ART
Source: imago-images.de

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