


Kilgharrah, in Merlin’s head: Dude, no offense, but it’s a nightmare in here.

Merlin: Yeah. I get that a lot.

Kilgharrah: And WHY all your thoughts in Comic Sans???


sir that’s my emotional support story that I’ve been working on for five years that still has no conceivable plot



yes hes my comfort character, and yes he does beat the shit out of people. he multitasks idk

Eliot Spencer

itsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviewsitsmeimcathy:labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviews


labyrinth (1986) + thirsty letterboxd reviews

Post link


This is a non-exhaustive list of some common ‘quirks’ or habits that can give away a character’s military experience. Wrote it up for myself and it’s particularly useful when I want to show instead of tell. These are based on first person accounts from several vets! Thought others might like to use it too for a reference :D Ones with * or ** came up particularly often.

Like any guide, it’s just that - a guide, not a set of rules! A character is unlikely to do all of these, and other factors like ADHD, trauma, or just personality might effect what sticks. People are endlessly diverse! 

Eat, Drink, Dress, and Rest

  • *High tolerance for physical discomfort
  • ** Eat very fast, and aren’t picky about the taste
  • **Cansleep anywhere - on a helicopter, in enemy territory, up high, underground, when it’s loud, when it’s quiet
  • * Can operate effectively without sleep for over 24hrs, or with erratic and limited sleep for days
  • ** Wake up early, 0500-0700; Wake up quickly and ready for action
  • * Hair cut regularly. Beards stay clean shaven (alternatively some may avoid shaving when out of uniform)
  • ** Dress practically and neatly, jackets buttoned/zipped up, ironed, polished
  • Take hat off indoors 

Organization and Talents

  • Gearhead
  • Gun nut
  • Detail oriented
  • **Pockets are meticulous. The same thing always goes into the same pocket, for easy reach. Pockets never full to bulging. Carry multitool.
  • ** Hands stay out of pockets - ready. (Hands in pockets is forbidden in the military. Some Special Forces may keep their hands in pockets, as their ‘grooming’ rules are less enforced. Because they can)
  • Alwayscarry things with left hand (and ”southpaws” must learn to use standard right-handed weapons)
  • ** Know how to clean house and keep it organized (may choose not to out of uniform)
  • ** Can make bed and shower fast
  • Organize clothes to be able to dress and maneuver their own space in pitch black (Navy specifically)
  • Know how to sew basic repairs (i.e. a button)
  • Layout items before packing. Tight roll clothes. Pack efficiently
  • **Canread maps effectively, may prefer them to a GPS, use landmarks
  • Deadlines not always considered concrete (There is a military mantra, “Hurry up and wait.” Often one would be told to complete something or arrive somewhere at a certain time, but nothing would happen due to someone else’s task meant to be finished earlier still being incomplete)
  • ** Alternatively (or in tandem), arrive 5-30 minutes early to every event
  • Things kept packed securely in the car, “ready for sea” and “heavy rolls” (Navy specifically)

Routines and Social

  • ** Respect for the “Other” or “Them” - other religions, cultures, races, and ethnicities - had to work crammed together with a diverse group that may have strongly opposing viewpoints, and learn to trust each other to have their backs in dangerous situations (For many, military is their first real experience with different cultures and beliefs)
  • *RespectLike.Will go above and beyond for a respected leader, even if they are disliked
  • Deeply suspicious of red tape, bureaucracy, and bosses on power trips, and will only do the minimum required for these
  • ** Low tolerance for slacking/job skirting
  • * Volunteer other people for tasks, and willing to be volunteered for things
  • Don’t ask people to do things they aren’t willing to do themselves
  • Stillfollow orders of bosses they dislike. Still have the backs of coworkers they dislike
  • ** Like clear orders, responsibilities, chain of command, and penalties
  • * Have Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C
  • Actions matter morethan ceremony; definite respect for processions, but excessive reverence for the flag/anthem/etc viewed as posturing rather than true patriotism
  • High tolerance for boredom
  • ** Adaptable, high stress tolerance, work efficiently, self reliant
  • ** Avoid having their back to an opening (windows/doors/etc) or sitting anywhere someone can sneak up on them from
  • *Avoid loud, crowded areas, check perimeters, barricade doors, sleep last in a group (may coincide with PTSD)
  • Always walk on the right side of a road/grocery aisle/etc
  • Stand at parade rest, walk cadence, walk fast
  • * Walk quietly, even in boots, sneak quickly (military crouch run)
  • De-escalation in violence - in protective armed situations the standard is: 1) multiple warnings, 2) warning shots, 3) shoot to incapacitate. Shoot to kill is a last resort. (not following these steps could get an ally or potential ally killed) In verbal disagreement, resolve an issue before it escalates
  • * Wariness toward and tendency to feel Other’ed by civilians
  • * Immediate acceptance toward other military, expectation of shared values


  • Observe before speaking in a situation, only speak if it seems significantly important to
  • Refer to people as “Sir” or “Ma’am”
  • ** Speak directly, makedirect eye contact (sometimes comes off as rude, often intimidates)
  • * Don’t take criticism or disagreement personally, expect others not to, either, and will point out flaws even to superiors (but again, orders are respected)
  • ** Clear communication, acknowledge messages by replying, even if that’s just a thumbs up or down
  • ** Swearing. Lots of swearing. Every other word is swearing
  • ** Dark sense of humor, and racist/sexist jokes -not indicative of individual’s actual belief system or violent tendencies
  • Unbothered by angry yelling, angry quiet people are more concerning
  • ** Point with ‘knife hands’, not just a single finger
  • *Use a 24 hour clock instead of a 12 am/pm; i.e. 0800 hours, not 8am (Called ”Military Time” in the US) 
  • Describe locations by o’clock directions, i.e. dog standing at 6 o’clock
  • * Write out dates as day-month-year (US usually does month-day-year) i.e. 21Oct57
  • **Usephonetic alphabet to spell things out, or at least have it memorized
  • ** Habitually use military terms orsayings, including:
  1. Good to go - Mission ready, ready to proceed
  2. Squared away - Compliment indicating exemplary service
  3. Popping a smoke - Need to get out of here [From using smoke grenades to call helicopters for extraction]
  4. “Sir yes sir” [A ‘sir sandwich’] 
  5. FUBAR - F*cked up beyond all recognition
  6. SNAFU -  Situation normal, all f*cked up
  7. TARFU -  Things are really f*cked up
  8. BOLO - Be on the lookout
  9. ATL - Attempt to locate
  10. IAW - In accordance with
  11. Civilian - Non-military person
  12. Roger - Message received and understood
  13. “Say again your last.” - What?
  14. Firearm- Gun
  15. Ruck - backpack
  16. March - walk
  17. Double time - running
  18. PT - working out
  19. Rally point - meetup
  20. Field day - Spring Cleaning (Navy specifically)
  21. Get smoked - Laps, pushups, etc as punishment


so, i’ve done it. here’s a ranked list of men in mass effect judged by their sexyman potential from yours truly. 

if you somehow are blissfully unaware of what a tumblr sexyman is, hereandhere are some links that explain it. it’s a very cursed concept that has become a topic of discussion among self-proclaimed internet experts and a sociological phenomenon among tumblr users. and as a questionable lover letter to the mass effect fandom, here’s my mass effect sexyman ranking.

if your fav is here, please don’t take this personally. also, not every single male character from the series will be listed, just the ones with the most sexyman potential. original trilogy only because i have yet to finish andromeda.

these have been chosed based on 1) sexyman traits listed here and 2) fandom reception towards them. 

Keep reading


Marinette:I just realised that Chat and Adrien have a lot in common. They have the same eye colour, hair colour, body type and voice


Marinette: That must mean…



Alya: *throws Marinette off Eiffel Tower*


Pretty sure that the main message behind Nirvana is Fire is not “be loyal and work always for justice,” it’s “don’t ever invite Mei Changsu to your birthday party”



*giant wind gust outside*

Me: “Don’t say it.”

My Brain:




The Villager that shares the same Birthday as you is forever your Spirit Villager!

If you don’t share a Birthday, the next closest one will do.


April 5th…Beau

Not bad.

Oh cool Mint is my spirit villager.


May 23. Peggy. Wellp.




The Villager that shares the same Birthday as you is forever your Spirit Villager!

If you don’t share a Birthday, the next closest one will do.


April 5th…Beau

Not bad.

Oh cool Mint is my spirit villager.


May 23. Peggy. Wellp.



Name a better feeling than getting the first comment on a fic you were uncertain about and knowing that at least one person liked the tiny piece of your brain that you put on the internet

Comments are fucking LIFE, people. If you enjoyed, please let the author know!


ajdowhfiwjfiw, i made some memes–


I hate this game



I’m a simple person I receive the smallest confirmation that my friends enjoy my presence and I bask in it for months

If it’s in text format, I take a screen shot of it so that I can receive additional serotonin later.


“I know that feel, Pinsir…”

Yet another edit I make from one of mojacookie’s official artworks!

They’re so cute.





anyone else remember being a child and seeing the very neat handwriting of other little girls and somehow knowing that you were a different genre of person than they were

literally no…i remember seeing bad handwriting & thinking “oh these other kids must be orphans or something”

fascinating to hear from the other genre, thanks for your contribution
