


Here is the link to needanabortion.org.

The silence of the Supreme Court has just effectively allowed Texas to overturn Roe vs Wade.

I never want to hear anyone complain ever again about being told they have to wear a mask, not when shit like this is happening.



Roe v. Wade Will Functionally Cease to Exist in Texas

This country hasn’t seen this kind of dystopian legal bullshit since Salem.

Access to almost all abortion has just been cut off for millions of people. The impact will be immediate and devastating.

The law bans abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy — before many people even know they’re pregnant. The result is that many Texans will be forced to carry pregnancies against their will.

Private individuals — including anti-abortion activists with no connection to patients — can now sue ANYONE who they believe is providing abortion or assisting someone in accessing abortion after six weeks. 

This could include: 

  • Health care workers
  • Clergy
  • Rideshare drivers

The law doesn’t just allow these lawsuits — it actively encourages private individuals to act as bounty hunters by awarding them at least $10,000 if they are successful.

This is a racial and economic justice catastrophe. Decades of racism and structural inequality within the health care system have left Black and Latinx people and anyone trying to make ends meet with few alternatives to the cruel reality that Texas politicians have created.

This is a full-scale assault on patients, our health care providers, and our support systems. This abortion ban is blatantly unconstitutional. We won’t stop fighting until it’s blocked.

If you’re pregnant, we want you to know there is a network of abortion funds and support networks that will do everything in their power to help you get the information and care you need. Go tohttp://needabortion.org to find out more, including how to contact an abortion fund.

Here’s a few other links!

janesdueprocess.org - Jane’s Due Process helps young people in Texas navigate parental consent laws and confidentially access abortion and birth control.

lilithfund.org - provide financial assistance and emotional support while building community spaces for people who need abortions in Texas

https://aidaccess.org/ -  It consists of committed team of doctors, activists and advocates for abortion rights. The purpose of the website and the service is to create social justice and improve the health status and human rights of women who do not have the possibility of accessing local abortion services.

heyprincessbimbo: tami-taylors-hair:mikedukakis:caucasianscriptures: Be more like Brandon. this





Be more like Brandon.

this is extremely good because he’s an outspoken MLB player in a sport where most American athletes are brain-dead MAGAs. Please baseball players be more like Brandon!

He tweeted this while playing for Atlanta, too. 

Post link

Reminder: it is called pro- CHOICE, not pro-DEFINITELY-GETTING-AN-ABORTION. it is about allowing women or couples to CHOOSE what happens with their own bodies. It is about the fact that maybe *you* would never get an abortion, but still not shaming the fact that other people might choose to have one. It is about the fact that *you* might get an abortion but not shaming other women about deciding to go through with the pregnancy even if they are young, unmarried, or not in a condition *you* would want to have a child in. It is about choice, and respect that we all have different opinions and morals.




if you’re from Ukraine, you have a uterus and don’t want to be pregnant:

1. First of all AVOID AT ANY COST people and sites that have the name of “Ordo Iuris” or “pro-prawo do życia” (translate: pro-life). If you see a logo of fetus inside a heart, run.

Pro-prawo do życia foundation informed that one woman from Ukraine contacted them, asking for abortion. She barely spoke polish, which they admitted without any shame, that’s why she thought that if they talk about abortion, they can provide it. They informed that they “explained children are not killed in Poland” and that now she’s “in a safe place where no harm can come to her and her baby”. I don’t have words for how fucking inhuman it is to manipulate traumatized woman into carrying pregnancy she’s not ready for since she’s a refugee with no finances.

2. If you need abortion, contact:

Aborcyjny Dream Team

Ciocia Basia (abortion in Berlin; they can be found on facebook and theor email is [email protected])/ Ciocia Czesia (abortion in Czech Republic)

Abortion without borders (all of the above cooperate with them)

They will give you information on how to perform safe abortion with right medicaments or will help to travel abroad.

3. If anyone would try to threat you, remember than in Poland it is still legal to do abortion yourself, that’s why it’s mostly done with pills. Don’t let them manipulate you. Fuck these people. You’re not evil for needing abortion.

Please, help me spread this message and translate it in Ukrainian, please

Переклад українською

Якщо Ви з України, маєте матку та не хочете бути вагітними:

1. По-перше, УНИКАЙТЕ БУДЬ-ЯКОЮ ЦІНОЮ людей та вебсайти, які називаються “Ordo Iuris” або “pro-prawo do życia” (переклад: про-право для життя). Якщо бачите лого з плодом всередині серця - біжіть.

Фонд “pro-prawo do życia” сповістив про українку, яка звернулася до нього (фонду) з метою отримати аборт. Вона практично не знала польську мову - про що фонд заявив без сорому - та подумала, що він (фонд) може надати аборт, оскільки робітники говорили про аборти. Фонд сповістив, що вони “пояснили жінці, що дітей в Польщі не вбивають” і що українка “зараз знаходиться в безпечному місці, де ніщо не нашкодить їй та її дитині”. Я не маю слів, щоб описати наскільки нелюдяно маніпулювати травматизованою жінкою та заставляти її виношувати дитину, до якої вона не готова, бо вона біженка без грошей.

2. Якщо Вам потрібен аборт, ось список організацій, до яких можна звернутися:

Aborcyjny Dream Team (польська організація)

Ciocia Basia (аборт в Берліні, Німеччина; їх можна знайти на Фейсбуці, електронна пошта: [email protected]) / Ciocia Czesia (аборт в Чехії)

Abortion without borders (організації вище співпрацюють з цією)

Ці організації зможуть надати інформацію про те, як зробити безпечний аборт за допомогою правильних медичних препаратів або допоможуть виїхати за кордон для отримання аборту.

3. Якщо хтось намагатиметься погрожувати Вам - пам’ятайте, що в Польщі Ви можете легально зробити медикаментозний аборт самостійно (тому зазвичай аборти робляться за допомогою препаратів). Не давайте їм маніпулювати Вами. Хай ці люди йдуть нахуй. Ви не винні та Ви не погана людина через те, що Вам потрібен аборт.

Российский перевод

Если Вы с Украины, имеете матку и не хотите быть беременными:

1. Во-первых, ИЗБЕГАЙТЕ ЛЮБОЙ ЦЕНОЙ людей и вебсайты, которые называются “Ordo Iuris” или “pro-prawo do życia” (перевод: про-право на жизнь). Если видите лого с плодом внутри сердца - бегите.

Фонд “pro-prawo do życia” оповестил об украинке, которая обратилась к нему (фонду) за абортом. Она практически не знала польский язык - что фонд признает без всякого стыда - и подумала, что он (фонд) может помочь сделать аборт, поскольку работники говорят о них. Фонд оповестил, что они “объяснили женщине, что детей в Польше не убивают” и что украинка “сейчас находится в безопасном месте, где ни ей, ни ее ребенку ничего не угрожает”. У меня нет слов, чтобы передать, насколько бесчеловечно манипулировать женщиной, пережившей эмоциональную травму, и заставлять ее вынашивать ребенка, к которому она не готова, потому что она беженка без денег.

2. Если Вам нужен аборт, вот список организаций, к которым можно обратиться:

Aborcyjny Dream Team (польская организация)

Ciocia Basia (аборт в Берлине, Германия; их можно найти на Фейсбуке, электронная почта: [email protected]) / Ciocia Czesia (аборт в Чехии)

Abortion without borders (организации выше сотрудничают с этой)

Эти организации могут предоставить информацию о том, как сделать безопасный аборт с помощью правильных медицинских препаратов или помогут выехать за границу, чтобы получить аборт там.

3. Если кто-то будет пытаться угрожать Вам - помните, что в Польше Вы можете легально сделать медикаментозный аборт самостоятельно (поэтому обычно аборты делают при помощи препаратов). Не давайте им манипулировать Вами. Пусть эти люди идут нахуй. Вы не виноваты и Вы не являетесь ужасным человеком из-за того, что Вам нужен аборт.














(Image transcription/ A tweet from Bradley Onishi saying “we’ve been analysing the toxicity of White Evangelicalism for decades and they just tweeted it out” with a picture below seeming from the account “desiringGod” (their account title spells this as “Desiring God, in the full image from this tweet you can see a section saying "article by Joe Rigney, May 31st 2019”). The image focused on large text saying “The Enticing Sin of Empathy: How Satan Corrupts Through Compassion”/ end transcription).

In addition, after having researched this a little, you guys should read these articles:

The original article. These articles. Make my blood boil. I cannot fucking fathom that there are people out there that believe this shit.

Reading this, it’s literally all mental acrobatics so they can justify clinging to their hatreds while dressing it up in a costume of righteousness

for my health, i don’t think i can read these, but the concept is too wild not to pass on

Abrahamic religions and their “sins”…

This is not “Abrahamic religions,” this is Christianity. Empathy and feeling the pain and experiences of others is a central tenet in Judaism, especially with regard to the Passover seder. Leave us the fuck out of this.

Same goes for Islam, which is built off compassion and the understanding of one another. Our prophet stresses a mercy for all creatures. Leave us out of this too thanks.

Good addition. And @the-library-alcove added in another reblog:

“This is also specifically Evangelical Christianity, too which is a branch of Christianity that evolved to legitimize white supremacy and black slavery. Not that other branches of Christianity are innocent, but Evangelical Christianity is the closest thing to a full fledged Religion Of Evil you’ll find in real life.”

Edgy atheists really need to stop equating evangelical Christianity to “Abrahamic religions” as if that’s remotely the same thing.

Dude I’m a follower of Jesus and this makes my blood boil (I don’t identify with White Evangelical Christianity in any way shape or form). Like literally, Compassion and Empathy are what Jesus was all about. Anyone claiming otherwise has lost the plot concerning what they are really worshiping.

Something I’ve noticed though…American Evangelical Christianity has become much less about the things Jesus actually stood for and much more about personal freedom (for themselves) and intolerance for others’ freedoms. One place I read someone actually commented “I can do whatever I want [regarding Covid, masks and vaccines] because Jesus means freedom.” Where’s that “freedom” when it comes to lgbtq+ love and womens’ rights, huh? Honey, I think you’ve forgotten to read your bible recently… That’s not what Jesus was about. 




So some more thoughts on the “what about vaccine mandates” question regarding bodily autonomy.

As I’ve said, I do not think that the government should be able to imprison someone for not getting a vaccine or forcibly vaccinate people against their will. (Which *isnt* what’s happening with vaccine mandates.)

But I dont have a problem with there being vaccine requirements for travel or holding certain jobs.

You should always have sovereignty over your own body and medical choices, whether that’s about getting chemo therapy, having an abortion, or getting a vaccine. Full stop. Non-negotiable. Your body is yours.

But you are not entitled to a specific job or vacation. If your job is requiring a vaccine, and you opt out of getting vaccinated, then you are opting out of that job.

‍♀️ bodily autonomy doesnt mean “I get to do whatever I want all the time with no consequences.” it means that decisions surrounding your body and health require your consent.


Do you feel the same way about employers firing women for being pregnant or having abortions? Or choosing not to cover abortions / birth control in company healthcare?

Abortions arent contagious and dont constitute a public health threat. Thanks. ✌



Some TERF posted this information so I’m taking it. misoprostol is an abortifacient medication that can be easily found on grey market sites like All Day Chemist for less than $1/pill, and this document will tell you how much you need and how to administer it to induce abortion.

I read the notes of the post and this seems very legit but ofc research slightly further if needed.

I work in abortion access–if you’re considering self-administered abortion, Women Help Women, linked below, is a great resource for both information and for connections to places to get access to the medication involved. The language is not as gender-inclusive as I’d like, although for what it’s worth, in my interactions with the people who founded and run it, they’ve been pretty on the level re: trans inclusiveness. That said, if the language is too dysphoria-inducing, I’m a trans woman in the field and am happy to help get you the info you need in a way that works for you. https://consult.womenhelp.org/


This is also relevant to abortion access. You’re simultaneously not supposed to get an abortion and not supposed to be pregnant and have a child at an inconvenient time. What I want is for people to be able to do whatever the hell they want: become a mom at 16 if they want, be child-free for life while having all the sex if they want, anything. If you’re willing to do the work of being a parent, go for it, and if you don’t wanna, don’t.

And the pro-choice debate doesn’t come close to touching that. It’s effectively either youcan’t get an abortion or you have to, because you can’t afford a child. Sometimes you both can’t and also have to, which is the worst. I want people to be able to do whatever they want. (I mean, with the caveat that once you have a child the child’s needs matter, obviously.)

There’s this idea that moms who need government assistance to take care of their kids are lazy or parasitic or whatever. Bullshit. Parenting is a full time job. And raising kids contributes something of great value to society, perhaps the thing of most value. Andespecially people who are struggling to earn money but figure they would be good parents should focus on parenting, why wouldn’t you focus on your strengths? Attempting to reserve parenthood for people who are able to succeed in the making money project (or succeed in the marrying someone who makes money project) is ass backwards, doing well career-wise and being a good parent are very, very different skillsets. If we do tests for people’s qualifications for parenthood, they sure as heck shouldn’t be “are you not poor?” tests.

I think pro-choice could easily go in this direction it’s just limited by trying to use arguments that can convince conservatives

Digital illustration of a brown fem with a purple bob. They are looking back, with the collar of their pink denim jacket lifted up. The jacket has two pins that depict a rainbow flag and trans flag and there’s stars and text that reads, ‘support abortion access.’

Digital illustration of a brown fem with a purple bob. They are looking back, with the collar of their pink denim jacket lifted up. The jacket has two pins that depict a rainbow flag and trans flag and there’s stars and text that reads, ‘support abortion access.’

Art by Liberal Jane

Man I would straight up eat a baby in a heartbeat call me tarrare the way I would just chomp down on an infant I wouldn’t even hesitate

DONT you dare call yourself pro life unless you you donate to poor and struggling families. You aren’t pro life, you’re just pro control and anti choice ❤️❤️❤️ don’t like abortions, don’t have one! If my birth control fails, me and my boyfriend like the option to abort since I’m a college student and he’s a med student, neither of us can take care of a kid RN. And if you care about kids at all, you will know how flooded those adoption places are and how most kids don’t even get a chance and just rot in their. Don’t tell me “don’t want a baby, don’t have sex!” Yeah sure you dumb bitch, that might work with a sex Ed class with pre teens in Sunday school but that shit doesn’t work with ADULTS doing ADULT things. And plus what about 30+ year old married couples that don’t want kids??? Should they not have sex??? KAY thanks :)

In case you guys needed a reminder! ❤️ remember its always YOUR body, even IF a fetus is growing in it! It’s YOUR body, YOUR life, and YOUR choice. Never feel ashamed of making a choice you’ll be supported and loved if you keep it or decide to abort. To all the women that have had abortions. You aren’t a bad person you made a choice, don’t let people make you feel ashamed.

So I keep seeing “pro life feminist!” And in my opinion a real feminist wouldn’t try telling a woman what to do with HER body.. if you don’t like abortions, that’s why you can be a feminist, but to tell another woman what she CAN and CANNOT do with her body??? FUCK OUTTA HERE???

You aren’t a feminist. Sorry. You don’t get to fight for women’s rights only to turn your ass around and scream and cry “WAAAAH YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO ABORT!!!” Like… if you don’t like abortion don’t have one! It’s not that hard guys.

A woman that you don’t even know, her having an abortion will not affect your life so why do you care???

Becuse being pro life is about controlling a woman and her body! It’s NOT about saving children because most these people don’t give a shit after the baby is born.

Sorry if I just offended any pro lifers but we don’t know the situation the woman is in so it’s best to just let her decide what’s best for her. Ive been seeing so many pro lifers trying to put a fetuses life above a developed woman’s life. You won’t change my mind so please don’t try. If you’re pro life Just Keep scrolling its not that hard..





The other day a Kentucky social worker posted a photo of an air mattress at a cabinet office that a child was going to have to sleep on because there were no foster homes available, and social workers would have to stay at the office 24 hours a day until the child was placed in a foster home. Lack of foster homes has been a problem in the state for a while. 

All the people in Kentucky who are happy that the state effectively no longer provides abortion (because they are protecting children), need to take their happy ass to the internet or a phone, and immediately sign up to become a foster parent, so they can protect the children. 

“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked.” –George Carlin

I understand the sentiment but anti-abortion people are the last people you want fostering vulnerable children.

No, of course, you’re right. It’s just so awful here right now, between this and the trans kids’ sports law that they also got past the governor’s veto, I’m in a bad frame of mind and angry.

@v-as-in-victor of course you’re right! But you have to boggle at the absolute hypocrisy of people who cry and scream THINK OF THE CHIIIIILDREN, while letting actually living, already born children suffer.
